Page 8 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
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                                                 SIGNIFICANT SIG

                             James E. Lynch '78 Sigma Chi's Newest Significant Sig
                                 Founder of a Bank who Focuses on the Needs of the Client

                                   As part of  Founder of Leaders Bank in Oak Brook,  and entrepreneurs.  The bank focuses
                                   the 2008    Illinois.                        on clients who seek highly personal
                                   Grand          Lynch started Leaders Bank in  service without sacrificing expertise,
                                   Council to  2000 and it has become the premier  commitment  or resources. Lynch
                                   be held in                                   founded the bank in response to bank
                                   June, James    /JW.e~vebeensuccessful in     consolidations  that left other banks with
                                   E. Lynch                                    . employees with little decision making
                                   '78 will be    an intensely competitive      ability and continuously  shuffled clients.
                                   honored          marketplace because         Leaders Bank was recently named in
                                   as a           we've stuck to our model,     Entrepreneur's  Magazine Hot 500 list of
                                   Significant    communicated effectively      the nation's fastest growing companies.
                                   Sig. The       and made our company a        "We've been successful in an intensely
              Significant Sig award is Sigma Chi's  great place to work."       competitive marketplace because we've
              highest recognition for achievement                               stuckjo  our model, communicated
              in a Brother's professional career and                            effectively and made our company a great
              civic endeavors. Lynch has earned the  commercial bank for privately held  place to work."
              recognition as President, CEO and  businesses, their owners and families
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