Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
P. 6
E.Joseph Cole '52 Enters Chapter Eternal
by Paul "Swede" Luhrsen '54
This is [taken from] the book I have "I remember spending Friday nights at
been writing about the 1951 Illinois the Champaign Country Club before our
Championship and 1952 Rose Bowl home games during my sophomore years.
Championship team. One night was very special. That was the
night that former Illinois coach and football
Joe was one of the awesome reserves of legend, Bob Zuppke, showed up during our
that team. I don't know if I will ever team meeting. I remember a very modest
complete this project, but this felt like a man of short stature coming in and giving
good time to honor Joe with his chapter. us a very inspirational talk in front of that
1 now famous Champaign Country Club
Many colleges recruited Joe based on his
fireplace. He was one guy who you couldn't
football skills, but he fell in love with
judge by his looks, because he would
Illinois and took off for Champaign in overwhelm you when hetalked,"
the fall of 1948 on a football scholarship.
Joe married his high school sweetheart,
Joe pledged Sigma Chi and lived in that
Fay Cobb, on August 16, 1952. Fay
house all four years while he was on
attended Duke University and missed most Joe Cole Shows Stan Wallace '54 & Herb
campus. Joe was instrumental in getting
of Joe's football games, but still loved him. Neathery '52 the Christmas gift he
Herb Neathery '52, Stan Wallace '54, and received from his fiancee,
Joe likes to tell the story of where he got the
Paul Luhrsen to join him at the Sig house.
money to pay for Fay's engagement ring. "My fiancee, Fay, gave me an early
He graduated with his class in 1952 with
"We were given two tickets for the Rose Christmas present before we left on the
a B.S. in Marketing. train. It was my first camera. It was a
Bowl and the option to buy four more next
Joe's most significant memory about whole kit with a flash and everything."
to the two comps. Since my folks had to
the 1952 Rose Bowl game (Illinois 40-
stay home because my sister was getting
Stanford 7), "I remember how close the Fay and Joe have three children and
married during the holidays, I had six
game was u'util Stan i~tercepted that pass. seven grandchildren. They are proud of
tickets to get rid of. I needed some money
Pasadena had great weather, we had deluxe the fact that two of them graduated from
to buy an engagement ring for Fay. The day
accommodations at the Huntington, and Illinois and the third from another "I"
before the game I was able to sell the six
I really enjoyed the Big Ten Party hosted Big Ten School, Indiana University. Two
tickets for $250. That was enough to buy
by Bob Hope." Joe goes on about his children live in suburban Chicago and the
that ring, and we got engaged that spring
recollections about the Rose Bowl, "The third is in California.
and married in August. I am sure thankful
trip to MGM studios was also a wonderful
for the Rose Bowl helping to finance
break from practices."
my engagement."
II ALUMNI UPDATES II Sam Hill '58 David J. Burden '92
(1855 Southampton Ct., Geneva, IL 60134- (1422 Asbury Avenue, Winnetka, IL 60093-
Neal Hammon' 48 2566; I'm in the 1408; Kristy
(139 Fox Run Rd., Shelbyville, KY 40065; process of planning a Pledge Class of '58 and I now have three sons! The latest addition,
nohammonts' Ok - you asked Reunion for Homecoming weekend of Danny, was born Oct 4, 2007 and follows big
for it, and here it October 10 & 11. The football opponent brothers David Jr. (2003) and Andrew (2005)
is. Since I retired is Minnesota. So far, I have commitments into the family.
from architecture, I to attend the festivities from Cal Wessman
have been pursuing '58, Jack Voyda '58, Sam Gore '58, Joe Peck Robert Vlach '00
another field, '58, Wes Lindberg '58, Wayne Lockwood (1510 W Parkside Dr., Peoria, IL 61606;
writing history. I '58, Bob Watts '58, and our Magister, Tom Megan and I had
have sent several Harvey '58 and wife Marion. Still missing are a baby girl
of my books up Harry Hoffman '58, Frank Allen Robinson last March ...
to KK, and I '58, and Pete Fisher '58. There are several Madeline
hope they are still on your library shelf. fu a Brothers who have not made a commitment. May.
famous Kentucky author, I get invited around They are Barry Marzuke '58, Dick
quite a bit, and one of my new acquaintances Hendrickson '58, and Chuck Cline '58. I'll
is Heather French, the former Miss America. be in touch with all after May 1. Wives, or
One should never get too old to have a little significant others, are encouraged to attend.
fun. Rob, Megan, Madeline, & Maple
6 May 2008