Page 7 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2008
P. 7
What Does Sigma Chi Mean to You?
I have stayed extremely active in the Sigma and has a vote for a full year's scholarship for As an old guy now, the fellowship
Chi Fraternity. I was driven to do so by individuals, it is extremely nice to award one continues with newly identified brothers
Brother Dr. Henri Stegemeier '72 and of those scholarships to Jason Detweiler, the in the community and at work. The real
many of the initial Brothers that I had at Consul of Kappa Kappa Chapter ....and he did thrill, however, occurred this spring when
Kappa Kappa. The fire in the eyes of Bruce not know that I knew he was such. my younger brother, Michael D. Dugan
Newell '66, Barry Miller '67, Bill Kastien '77, initiated his son, Sean, and we shared the
- John R. Beeson '68, Order of
'68, Steve Jareo '67 and so many others and bond with another generation.
Constantine Sig
the expanding list of Life Loyal Sigma Chis
The Quest continues.
helped. During my alumni era, it has been
delightful to read about what Brothers from How about this one for the truth: In hoc,
that era have done and to see who has lived Robert C. Dugan MD '74
Without the fellowship of my Sigma Chi
the life that they believed at Kappa Kappa
bothers, and the love of the Kappa Delta,
and in Sigma Chi. It was wonderful to be
I Alpha Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta, and
the Founder of Sigma Chi at Eastern Illinois Without question, the most significant value
Kappa Kappa Gamma sisters, college life
University and to watch the development of I received from my days at Kappa Kappa was
would have been pretty dull.
Eta Mu Chapter. Then during one initiation, the vital importance of two words-Personal
I was lucky enough to share the time with - Neal Hammon Class of 46, moved back Accountability. Even though we were young
Brother Steve Gilmore who was there to pin to Class of 48, because of the war. and supposedly carefree, I learned that we
the White Cross on his stepson. Working to Sigma Chis are held to a higher standard;
re-open Omega Chapter at Northwestern and and that there will be consequences when we
the five initiations since then plus the work stumble and fail.
in establishing the Chapter at Knox College Initially as a Sig, the fellowship and family My life has been far better as I
have strengthened my feelings toward the of the fraternity facilitated the growth from have reflected often on these virtues
brotherhood. living at home, attending high school to I acknowledged over 50 years ago.
becoming intellectually and emotionally
But, when one sits as a prominent - Sam Gore '58
member of a panel for a State Representative
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The Illinois Sig 7