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Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Winter 2016-2017
                                      Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

              From the                                            Donald G. Kane ’80
     Housing Corporation                    Alumni Spotlight:

   Dear Brothers,                          Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the Spotlight on
                                           Don Kane ’80, Senior Managing Director for Dillon Kane Group. From the
                      eams become great    hometown of Harlington, TX, Don came to Illinois as a Kappa Sigma Legacy
                  T as these five attri-   from the Kappa Kappa Chapter. Having grown up in a military family, Don
                  butes become part of the   experienced the world early on while living in Japan for four years. Four Kappa
                  team culture:            Kappas in the family encouraged a Greek residence at Illinois. While an active
                  1.  Communication        with Sigma Chi, Don served the chapter as alumni chair, social chair, treasurer
                  2.  Trust                and chapter president. After graduation, Don applied his degree in international
                                           business at Price  Waterhouse. He was also accepted into Northwestern and
                  3.  Collective           earned his MBA. A career with Goldman Sachs spanned for 14 years, sparking
                       Responsibility      an interest in technology and finance. The Dillon Kane Group was formed in
                  4.  Care                 November 2001. Married now for 33 years, Don and his wife Diane enjoy time
                  5.  Pride                with their four children: Whitney, Donald, Charles, and Steven.
      Communication among the entire team (House
   Corp., chapter, Chapter Advisor, Grand Praetor,
   and Mom’s Club) keeps improving. The challenge   Why did you choose Illinois for college?  in the system. Sigma Chi reflected these trends. We
   is to keep the lines of communication connected   Although I never lived in Illinois prior to college,  saw renewed interest from incoming freshmen, and
   as people move in and out of the team – it’s the   my  father  was  in  the  military  and  maintained  worked hard in the recruitment of new pledges.
   nature of the “beast.” I am excited about this spring   residency in the state. I was attending college on an  We  emphasized  developing balanced  and  diverse
   semester officer lineup – very impressive, responsive,   Air Force/NASA engineering scholarship, although  classes, which led to strong, close pledge classes. The
   and have an attitude of getting things done!  I was uncertain about whether I wanted to commit  result is many of those alums are still great friends
      Trust among team members is a critical element   to physics and or engineering. The combination of  and have developed into successful individuals in
   to helping everyone believe and make the necessary   Illinois’ engineering reputation, great alternative  many different fields and professions. By the time
   commitments to our EX team. If there is trust,   academic paths, and the low tuition costs were  we graduated, the chapter was thriving and was
   integrity, and honesty, we can communicate at a   compelling. Tuition was $750 per semester. I was  perceived as a leading house on campus.
   deeper level.
      Collective responsibility is all about the Three   the second of four kids going to college; money was   After graduation, how did you transition into
   Musketeers, “All for one and one for all!” As I   an issue.                    being an entrepreneur?
   mentioned in a previous Illinois Sig, “We do not                                 I was accepted into Northwestern’s Kellogg
   work with each other but for each other.”                                      MBA program with a one-year deferral after Illinois.
      Care – a true team must genuinely care for each                             In the interim, I worked for Price Waterhouse as an
   other, the house, the EX vision, and our three great                           auditor. Investment banking was a small, boutique
   aims. Part of caring is holding brothers accountable.                          industry at the time and became an area of focus for
      Pride  –  everything  we  do has  our  team’s
   signature on it. Do nothing detrimental to yourself,                           my post MBA career. I worked for Goldman Sachs
   your chapter, your school, and your family – take                              in the Investment Banking Division in its Chicago
   pride in being a EX and leaving it a better place than                         office. Hank Paulson hired me, who went on to
   when you entered!                                                              become Goldman’s CEO and then Secretary of the
                                                                                  Treasury. It was an exciting period – I specialized
   So what has been happening:
   1.  We have committed to putting together a   Don at a wedding with friends Allen Schwartz ’81,   in financial services and then financial services
      House Guide, which will be our “bible” for   and Dr. Keith Komnick, Iowa Sig and U of I med   technology. There were significant forces shaping
      how our chapter operates, responsibilities for    school grad.              the economy and the financial services industry,
      each officer, and a host of processes in order to                           and we were on the forefront of advising clients
      memorialize our house operations    How did the chapter grow while you were an  on how to navigate and optimize opportunities. I
   2.  The Group Study Room in the basement has   active?                         was always interested in entrepreneurial activities.
      been refurbished and, per the members, a   In 1976, when I joined the chapter, the fraternity  I started several new businesses inside Goldman,
      great addition.                     system was in a state of transition. The house only  which gave me confidence in the ability to formulate
                                          attracted 50 percent of my pledge class during the  strategy and drive results. Granted, Goldman is a
   3.  We will be looking to plan for a Chapter
      Room renovation.                    spring rush period. The others were recruited over  firm of elite and talented people, who don’t need to
   4.  We have built out a cap-ex plan over the next   the summer. The early ’70s was a period in which  be motivated.
                                                                                    In 1999,  the firm gave me  the option  to
                                          fraternities and sororities were out of favor. The mid
      five years, with an ambitious goal to be com-
      municated in the near future.       to late ’70s saw a resurgence in interest and energy  move to Asia to pursue a new opportunity. For
              Housing (Continued on Page 3)                                                       Kane (Continued on Page 6)
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