Page 5 - Illinois Sig Winter 2016-17
P. 5
Alumni News
Mom’s Club
Special thanks to the members of our Mom’s
Club for restoring our Greek letters in the foyer,
and for our new sign, pictured here! They have
also been kind enough to purchase and install new
blinds in the main floor bathroom. The Sigma Chi
crest has been measured, and steps to create a sign Pictured from left to right: Struan “Stru-Pac” Robertson, John “JPears” Parrett, Bryce “BJ” Rapp, Chuck
to be displayed on the brick wall in the kitchen “Diesel” Cantwell (sporting the well-recognized “KAM’S” T-shirt), Jared “JDubs” Baker. Not pictured were “Cool”
are next. Joanne and Larry Carnagio have been Don Cunningham and Brice “not Bruce” Eldredge. Both men booked red-eye flights to catch Game 4 of the World
instrumental in this process, and we would like to Series at Wrigley Field. They successfully, and surprisingly, cleared TSA security that evening.
thank them, along with the other members of the
Mom’s Club for helping to keep our chapter house Monica, California, to celebrate his wedding. To cure by a recent recognition that I wanted to share with my
looking its best. We appreciate you! their hangovers, the men treated their beautiful wives Sig brothers. I was the 2014 Gold Medal recipient,
to a culturally rich bike tour along the Pacific coast, awarded by the Colorado Radiological Society for
photos at left and above. distinguished and extraordinary service in radiology,
Charles E. Seibert ’56 - My wife, Mary (Siemer), for Colorado. This award was important to me because
Kappa Alpha, Theta ’57, U of I, and I feel extremely it was awarded by my colleagues in radiology across the
lucky to have made the choice to come to Colorado state of Colorado and, of course, many of these were
after I finished medical school. We have loved being friends I’ve known for years but they were also, by
here for many reasons, including the obvious one, varying degrees, my competitors in the field, as most
known by folks who are familiar with Colorado. It’s of us are in private practice. I must also admit, the one
been a fantastic spot in which to live, work, and raise thing I miss the most about not staying in Illinois is we
a family. Sure, Mary and I are in our 80s, but we are really miss those fall weekend football games, rooting
happy to share, although we’ve encountered the usual for the Fighting Illini, win or lose, and, most of all, the
bumps in our road, we are doing just fine, alive and post-game get-togethers at 410 E. John. Those were
kicking. Although I retired quite a few years ago special! Betas to the brothers and their loved ones.
from my medical practice, in which I was principally Chuck and Mary Siebert
From left to right: Parrett, Rapp, Baker, Cantwell. involved in neuroradiology at Swedish Medical Samuel E. Hill ’58 - I’m approaching 81 years with a
Charley Cantwell ’05 - In October, seven of John Center in South Denver, I have still remained active bit of dementia. Keep up the great reputation of KK.
Poziemski ’s (’05) pledge brothers traveled to Santa in the field. I feel quite proud to have been honored Douglas M. Sasso ’83 - Retired from the Marine
Corps in 2007 as a lieutenant colonel (served 23 years
and two combat tours). I’m currently an AA 737 pilot
based at LAX. My wife, Cindy, and I celebrated our
23rd anniversary in October 2016. I frequently hear
from Chip Jones ’83, pledge brother from 1983; he
usually keeps me abreast of the latest news. Our door
has always been open if you are in the SoCal, Orange
County area. In hoc, Doug.
Chapter Eternal
Isaac N. Coolley ’34
Samuel C. McCollum ’48