Page 6 - Illinois Sig Winter 2016-17
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Kane (Continued from Page 1)

     a number of reasons, it wasn’t a fit, although it  basis. The technology was
     was clear the firm wanted me to take on other  lifted out of Milliman, Inc.,
     responsibilities. I was 41 and felt it was the right  a  leading  actuarial  firm  in
     time to leave the firm and get fully engaged in  2008.
     developing private entrepreneurial activities. My   Conuity  Software:
     logic was if it didn’t work, I could always get a   Provides an enterprise-scale
     job. Initially, my focus was on investing and  collaboration and unified
     getting  involved  in  the  management  of  several  communication solution in
     technology businesses. One of the investments  situations that need complex
     introduced me to my current business partner.  compliance  controls  over
     He is a leading financial services technologist, and  interactions. Lifted out of a
     my background and experience complemented  global bank in 2014.
     his skill sets. We agreed to partner, which resulted   Which project do you feel will have a big impact?  year. I could not make the trip, however, I will do so
     in the formation of the Dillon Kane Group in   The aviation and auto telematics businesses  in the future. The ties continue to be strong and the
     2001. It started as an advisory firm, helping a few   have  an opportunity to have a significant impact  relationships span many class years.
     large financial institutions evaluate technology   on how transportation systems are monitored and
     and new business models. As we became more   maintained.  We are at the cutting edge, capturing   Outside of work what do you for fun?
     engaged, it became apparent there was a skills gap   real time data, often streaming in massive quantities,   My work is fun. However, we enjoy traveling,
     inside these large firms. Especially in the newer,   and applying math and physic algorithms to convert   we own a boat in Florida, which we use frequently
     early stage technologies, which were often in the   data to information to action. We are leveraging the   to fish and get away from the crowds. We belong to
     middle of competitive fights to determine winners   most advanced big data technologies, our proprietary   several golf clubs in Chicago, Michigan, and South
     and losers. Our first new business  startup  was   software, data protocols, and mobile and sensor   Carolina, and have a terrific group of friends who like
     STA Group, which works closely with clients on   technologies to build large scale production systems.   to play. My sons and son-in-law all like to play, as do
     helping to leverage technology to transform key   The impact will be measured in billions of dollars per   many of my nephews. We own a home in Union Pier,
     parts of its business. It is staffed with very technical   year as these systems are rolled out.  Michigan, which is a year-round house and has been
     engineers and business consultants working with                               a great getaway for the family. There is no shortage of
     advanced technologies.                 What’s your long-term goal?            things to do with friends or family.
        In addition, a key strategy was to offer non-  My objective is to balance family, work, and   What advice can you give the alumni and actives
     traditional solutions, including incubating businesses   travel in the future. I have several of my grown   about being a successful entrepreneur?
     alongside our clients. DKG developed sophisticated   children involved in the businesses, and that has been   If you want to become an entrepreneur you
     capabilities to incubate complex businesses, leveraging   rewarding and enjoyable. We have two married, one   need to be prepared, and it takes time. I believe my
     technology and shared back office services. We have   grandchild on the way, and anticipate being very   training outside of class at Illinois, much of it through
     been involved in incubating 13 different operating   involved with our kids as they mature and have   the house, was invaluable in developing leadership,
     businesses. We provide the management and capital   families. I expect to evolve from active management in   time management, and management skills. I was
     for all of our businesses.             some of the businesses to more of a board and advisor   alumni chair, co-social chair, treasurer, and counsel
                                            role. However, we continue to see new opportunities   during my four years. I also was a bartender, assistant
     What type of other businesses are you helping to   and don’t anticipate slowing down for the foreseeable
     develop?                               future. I am not the full-time retirement type. I   manager, and manager of  Kams over  three years.
        The core engine is STA Group, which provides   anticipate getting much more involved in charitable   Entrepreneurship requires balancing different roles
     the people and technology expertise to develop new   and board roles down the road.  and tasks on any given day. The other advice is don’t
     business models that are disruptive or transformational.                      do it alone. I would not have succeeded without my
     Some of the other companies include:   Do you have the opportunity to stay in touch with  partners. Every incubated company has a core set
        Aviation Safety  Technologies: Measures surface   any of your Kappa Kappa brothers today?  of partners, as well as partners who provide subject
     conditions  on  runways  from  sensors  on  landing   I have maintained close contact with several of  matter expertise.  Working as  a  partnership,  with
     commercial aircraft and ground-based mobile LED   the Kappa Sigs. I belong to a golf club with several,  someone taking the lead, but with a group supporting
     laser devices on vehicles. AST has six domestic carriers’   have partnered in one of our businesses with Dave  the business, is critical. Finally, we have always been
     planes reporting and is entering production in 2017.   Ogdon ’80, a pledge brother, and my brother was in  fanatical about building and managing complex
     It will target the domestic markets initially, however, it   the house a few years behind me. Recently, an alum  financial models for our businesses.  We don’t live
     is a global service offering.          who graduated a few years behind me was diagnosed  by an expected case, evaluate options as they evolve,
        Friction Sciences: Developing next generation   with cancer, and the contact list included over 25  and are rarely surprised by outcomes. This discipline
     automobile driving models, surface condition   Sigs. An older group of Sigs put together a golf and  makes decision-making much easier, especially tough
     measurement, and new business models leveraging   football weekend for the Illinois Rutgers game this  decisions.
     auto telematics and mobile phone technologies.
        STEP Solutions: SaaS technology platform                    Have Alumni News?
     changing the way life, individual health, and annuity
     insurance products are sold and processed. Leverages   We want to hear from you! Send your personal updates, accomplishments, adventures, and photos
     consumer data, medical prescription history, DMV   to our Account Manager Kasey Breedlove at, or simply fill out the tear-away
                                             form at the bottom of your cover letter and return it in the mail. We want to share it in the next issue of
     records, credit scores and other sources to underwrite   The Illinois Sig!
     and issue policies on a partial or fully automated

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