Page 4 - Illinois Sig Winter 2016-17
P. 4

Chapter News

     Derby Days

                                                                                   Greek members across campus. During the week
                                                                                   of Derby Days, sororities loved the field games
                                                                                   including jousting, relay races, tug-o-war, and
                                                                                   the hot dog eating contest. To date, our brothers
    By Charlie Spring                       Gamma (first place), Kappa Alpha Theta (second  have worked hard to raise $9,963 for the Hunts-
       Derby Days 2016 was one of the largest phi-  place), and Phi Sigma Sigma (third place). The  man Cancer Foundation and hope to reach
    lanthropy events on campus. We had 13 sororities  Community Blood Services of Illinois helped us  $20,00 by the end of the school year through a
    participate this year, and the top three were Delta  collect 92 pints of blood from our brothers and  new hockey game philanthropy event.

   Homecoming 2016

     Thanks to all alumni, friends, and family who attended! We hope to see
   YOU at Homecoming 2017! Save the date for when the Fighting Illini take on
   the Minnesota Gophers on Saturday, October 21 .

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