Page 3 - Illinois Sig Winter 2016-17
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Chapter Spotlight:             Cpl. Jordan Meadows

     Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is Jordan Meadows, our newly elected chapter president.
     Jordan was selected as Spotlight for his outstanding service in the Marine Corps and for his dedication to
     Kappa Kappa. From the hometown of Saint Charles, IL, Jordan is working toward his degree in Kinesiology.
     He has served the chapter as recruitment chair and philanthropy chair in the past, and is currently in the
     Semper Fi Society – Illini Veteran’s Club. Jordan was deployed overseas in an operation that supported 15
     NATO countries on the Artic/Russian border. He graduated number one in the country at Marine Corps
     Officer Candidate School during the summer of 2015 for the highest scores in leadership, physical fitness and
     academics. For fun, he enjoys hunting, boating, and fishing.

     What led you to join the chapter?      commission as an officer to fly F-18s. Once my
        I joined Sigma Chi because my dad is a Sig.  8- to10-year contract expires after college, I plan   Jordan during his promotion to Sergeant in the
     He was the Consul at Eta Nu (Northern Illinois  to get out of the Marine Corps to start my own   USMC.
     University ). I thought joining Sigma Chi would  small business and work my way up from there.   not forget. I love being able to serve this country. 
     bring us closer together, and it has tremendously.   What was it like working on the Artic/Russian
     Also, my rush chairs for the Kappa Kappa Chapter   border?                    Outside of school and work, what do you do
     were phenomenal. Instead of acting like the   It was an amazing experience being overseas. I   for fun?
     stereotypical rush chair that I saw at other houses,   got to work with 15 other countries that are a part   I am an active person so I love staying healthy
     they talked to me about how the Kappa Kappa   of NATO for Operation Cold Response 2016.   by going to the gym and playing sports with my
     Chapter has the best brotherhood on campus, which   Also, it was a humbling experience too because   friends. I find it a lot of fun to go boating – I
     strongly influenced my decision on joining Sigs.   all these other countries look up to the Marine   either fish or wakeboard. I am also into shooting.
     As a Marine, what are your plans for after  Corps tenfold. We are something that they all try   I could shoot target or hunt all day. 
     graduation?                            to emulate. We are role models to the rest of the
        My plans for post-graduation are to go back  world. I was fortunate enough to see the Northern
     into the Marine Corps as an active duty aviator.  Lights as well, which is something I have always
     I was enlisted after high school and plan to  wanted to do. My time overseas is something I will

                                                                                    Jordan receiving the "Commandant's Award" at
                                                                                    the Ohio State VS Illinois Basketball Game for his
           Photo of Jordan after he initiated into the chapter with his December 2015 pledge brothers.  success at Marine Corps Officer Candidate School.

                                            8.  The Mom’s Club has continued to support our   connected in today’s world. EX is a special place
     Housing (Continued from Page 1)           chapter in many ways. They painted the wall in   and we all ought to be connected. We are going
                                               the dining room with a scripted Sigma Chi!!!!   to engage the new Media Officer, Tom Munger
     5.  We had a successful implementation of our new   Looks great!                ’13, and Elevate (our communications firm) to
        Preparation  for  Brotherhood  Pledge  Program.   9.  New GPA policy is going into effect this year.   finish and launch our new website. There is a
        This is an exciting new program focused on   Basically, a minimum GPA of 2.75 must be   new Facebook page that was put up by Jordan
        our Founding Fathers principles and our seven   maintained to remain an active member of our   Meadows, our new Consul.
        virtues over the 8-week program.       chapter. Thank you to our Scholarship Chairs   I would like to thank Jordan Meadows for his election
     6.  Jim Escobar has taken over the financial reins   and  Jake Forby, our Fisher Scholar, for their   as new Consul and his leadership capabilities.
        from Farah Williams ’01. I want to send out   support.                     All in all, we are moving in the right direction. You
        a big thank you to Farah for his dedication and   10. Derby Days was great success and there is another   all are an important piece in the EX team and for
        service to the board. He really set the bar high,   planned philanthropy event for the spring being   that I am grateful.
        and  Jim Escobar  ’95 has leaped over the bar   coordinated by our Philanthropy Chair Charlie
        with his continuing hard work and dedication.   Spring (Legacy).           Your House Corp. President,
        Thank you Jim!
                                            11. The chapter installed a new position, referred
     7.  We had a great fall class with 30-plus initiated   to as Media Coordinator/Officer, held by Nick
        with six legacies.                     Bleidorn. My belief is that we need to get better   Peter Steger ’79
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