Page 2 - Illinois Sig Winter 2016-17
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Chapter News

     From the Chapter                       third straight semester in the spring, placing our  winning sorority will receive free “Sigma Claus”
                                            GPA above the average male undergraduate mark  T-shirts. All proceeds from the T-shirt sales and
             President                      and the Greek undergraduate mark. We hope to  the money collected from sororities will be used
                                            continue this trend, with our new house GPA  to buy toys to donate to the United States Marine
                                            standards being implemented into the Kappa  Corps’ Toys for Tots program. We are excited to
                    Dear Alumni,            Kappa bylaws this fall. These standards have been  see this awesome new philanthropy through to
                                            set to ensure each member is fulfilling his duty  success.
                        he year 2016 was  of upholding the Jordan Standard. In addition,   In my personal experience, I have never had a
                    T another successful one  we have completed our computer room and third  greater honor than being able to serve my brothers
                    here at Kappa Kappa Sigma  floor study room projects this semester. The newly  and my fraternity for the past seven months.
                    Chi. In regard to the fall  furnished computer room is equipped with two  I am extremely proud of our chapter’s growth
                    pledges, we have had the  desktop computers and an Apple Smart TV. We are  and sustained leadership role on this campus.
                    honor  of initiating 33 new  thankful for our Housing Corporation’s support  We have accomplished all the goals we set as a
                    members into the lifelong  in accomplishing these exciting improvements.   chapter coming into this semester, and I can say
                    commitment of Sigma Chi.   We, as a chapter, have continued the tradition  with confidence that we have elected individuals
     Using the new pledge training system, Preparation  of Derby Days and raised around $15,000 for  to next semester’s executive committee who will
     for Brotherhood, we have educated and molded  cancer research this semester. In addition to this,  continue to improve the house we all love.
     these boys  into Sigma Chi men.  Although  the  we have added a winter philanthropy named   In Hoc Signo Vinces,
     new system has presented its difficulties, I believe  “Sigma Claus” for which we are collecting money
     embracing this change has helped us come  from  campus  sororities.  We  will  then  provide
     together as brothers and as a chapter.  these sororities with Christmas trees, which
        Our house cumulative GPA increased for a  they will enter into our decoration contest. The  Sean Sutton ’18

         Welcome Legacies of the Pledge                        Congratulations to Our Fall 2016
                      Class of 2020                                             Graduates!

      w Cole Kangas: Brother of Chase Kangas (Illinois)
                                                           Grant Raymond Barker           Matthew Paul Campbell
      w Chris Cooney: Brother of Bill Cooney (Illinois)    Shorewood, Illinois            Buffalo Grove, Illinois
      w Nick Robinson: Nephew of Jim Escobar ’95, House    Elementary education           Accounting and finance double major
        Corporation Officer (Illinois)                     Colin John Carley              Cristian Rafeal Avalos
      w Anthony Bellanca: Son of Joe Bellanca (Western Illinois)  Geneva, Illinois        Mundeline, Illinois
                                                           Economics                      Recreation sports and tourism
      w Quinn Julian: Great-grandson of Carl McNabb (Michigan)
                                                           Jacob Ross Senezco             Carson Matthew Klarck
      w Kevin Steiner, Pledge Class President: Nephew of Tom Baffes   Libertyville, Illinois  Grayslake, Illinois
        (Illinois Weslyan), cousin of Bill Baffes (Illinois Wesylan) and   History with a minor in secondary   Economics 
        Bernie Coderre (Illinois Wesylan)                  education

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