Page 1 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2007
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             Help Us Welcome Our
                 Newest Class

           Lohan Akeson • Peoria,IL                        KApPA  KApPA  CHAPTER'  SIGMA  CHI  • UNIVERSITY  OF IL  URBANA-CHAMPAIGN
           Paul Aquino.  Barrington,IL                                November 2007

           Fadi Bakhos • Westmont, IL
                                             Philanthropy Activities Have Been Time-Well-Spent This
           Sean Black.  Mundelein,IL        Fall, Including $15,000 for the Children's Miracle Network,

           Jonathan Brann. Orland Park,IL    Blood Drives and Participation at Many Greek Charities
           Richard Brenza • Homer Glen, IL  410 E.John Street Receiving Upgrades Galore, Including Fresh Paint,
                                                    New Floors, Wireless Internet and Much, Much More!
           Michael Crowe.  Peotone,IL
                                                                        By Matt Parenti '70
           Matthew Eastman •      .
                                          The Kappa Kappa chapter of Sigma Chi has  Pi Beta Phi's ''Arrowhead Games;"
           Michael Fewkes • Palos         had an excellent' semester thus far. Kappa .  •  Alpha Delta Pi and Kappa Delta Rho's
           Heights,IL                     Kappa just initiated 13 new brothers under  "Kickin' it" (Soccer Tournament):
                                          the eye of many alumni who came to watch
           Michael Frothingham  •         the festivities. The chapter's recruitment  sector  ''Theta Hoops;"
           Wilmette,IL                                                             Kappa Kappa Gammas "Kappatat
                                          selected the best and the brightest during fall
                                                                                   Volleyball;" and
           Vivek Gollapali • Lindenhurst,IL  rush. There are 28 in the fall pledge class.
                                      1   They bring unique and useful qualities to the  Gamma Phi Betas "Golf Tournament."
           David Hernandez.  Harwood  ~   chapter, which excites fraternity members. This  Over the past few months, 410 E. John
                                          particular class includes an exceptional number  Street received some physical changes. First,
           Dewey Joern • Park Ridge, IL  q  of legacies as well,                several brothers retiled the floor in the Green
                                             The fall semester brings many opportunities  Room (formerly the Pledge Dorm). At the
           Michael Kniery •               for philanthropy.  The brothers have proven  center of the room, our house letters are
           Bloomington,IL                                                       tiled in the floor. Second, the '10.5 class
                                          that when there is a hand in need, a Sigma
                                          Chi will be there. The year kicked-off with our  repainted, cleaned and rearranged the Red
           Joseph Laskowski •
           Naperville,IL                  annual Derby Days philanthropy.  The week  Room (historically known as the Active Dorm).
                                          included a blood drive, with the help of Life  Third, the Red Room now includes a big screen
           Alexander Lewis.  Naperville,IL  Source, in which we donated 75 pints of blood;  TV and couches. Fourth, the '10 pledge class
                                          competitive activities for the 12 sororities that  painted the weight room blue and installed new
           Alex Mallo.  Homer Glen, IL                                          rubber flooring. Fifth, new large, leather law
                                          participated;  and fundraising. The chapter was
           Joshua Metz • Gurnee, IL -.    able to raise $15;000 for the Children's Miracle  chairs were purchased for the library. Lastly, the
       I'                                 Network. In addition, countless members of  Game Room gained an octagonal poker table,
           Steven Molitor  • Glenview, IL  the house participated  in the following Greek  built by one of the brothers.
                                          philanthropies:                          Outdoors  also saw improvements.  We
           Andrew Novaria • Portage, MI
                                          •  Alpha Chi Omegas "Paintball Challenge;"  bought a state-of-the-art  Goalzilla basketball
           Jeffrey Petree.  Hinsdale.H,   •  Alpha Gamma Deltas "Water Wars"    hoop for the parking lot and plan to repaint
       I,                                    (Champions);                       the court. Next, the volleyball court now hosts
           Charles Randa.  Naperville,IL                                        a brand new net and posts in addition to light
                                          •  Acacias "Football Bowl;"
       I'                                                                       posts at each corner of the court so we can play
           Dave Schumann •                                                                    at night.
                                                                                                 In the technology
           Alexander Strandd •                                                                department,  we have a new
           Elmhurst,IL                                                                        60" Sharp plasma screen
                                                                                              TV and wireless internet
           JaredThompson • Monticello,IL
                                                                                              throughout  the house.
           Justin Valdez·  Libertyville,IL                                                       We hope to continue
                                                                                              to beautify the house with
           Joseph Welsh.  Darien,IL
                                                                                              alumni support so that we
           Daniel Zaglama • Naperville,IL                                                     may live up to the title of
                                                                                              "best house" on campus.
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