Page 7 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2007
P. 7
Doug "Jughead" Michels '78 Chose Path In Health Care Industry, Now Running Publicly-
Traded OraSure Technologies After Many Years at Johnson & Johnson
Why did you join the fraternity? able to get together. This speaks volumes to gressed into sales and marketing management
My dad was a Delta Upsilon at Illinois. We'd the impact Sigma Chi had on our lives. I still and left Abbott after seven years to work for
go to Illinois games and stop by the house. stay in touch with, and frequently see the Sigs Johnson & Johnson. I worked my way up
I thought it was neat that my dad had that I worked with on the national headquarters' through J&J's diagnostics division, in mar-
relationship with his college fraternity. I knew staff. I also have a Sigma Chi on the board of keting and general management, and then
it would give me an opportunity to continue my company. became president of Johnson & Johnson
my participation in competitive athletics and Health Care Systems. Later, I returned to
Tell us about your family.
it would provide a terrific social affiliation. I diagnostics as President, International, for
My wife, Sue, is a Kappa from Illinois
chose Sigma Chi because I liked the guys and Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Ine.
I Wesleyan University and we've been married
what they stood for-they seemed very seri- almost 24 years. We have two sons: John is In 2004, I left J&J to join OraSure
ous about education, plus they had a balanced Technologies, Inc. as President and CEO. I earned
a sophomore at Vanderbilt University and
emphasis on the social, academic, athletic, and pledged Sigma Nu; and Jeffrey is a junior at an M.BA..from Rutgers University in 1990.
community aspects of university life.
the Pingry School in Martinsville, N]. We are What hobbies do you enjoy?
What was your favorite memory of the very proud of them. I spend as much time as I can with my wife,
fraternity? sons, and extended family. We like to travel
There are many, but they include pledging, What other activities or organizations and spend time at our house on Lake George
were you involved with during your col-
initiation and chapter meetings, walk-outs,
lege days? in New York. We enjoy water sports, "wining
and sorority exchanges and dances.
I held numerous chapter offices. I was Consul, and dining," and when there's time, relaxing
What kind of influence has this had on Magister and Tribune, and President of the with family and friends. I also try to play golf
your life? Eta Sigma Gamma National Professional as often as possible.
Sigma Chi has helped shape my life. It cer- Health Science Honorary and I served as What are your goals for the next few
tainly molded my college experience and an Ambassador for the University of Illinois years?
offered many leadership opportunities. Sigma Grants in Aid program. I tried to participate Primarily, my goals are to help my boys get
Chi served as a basis for establishing most in as many in tram urals as possible and I also through school and assist them in finding a
of my best friendships which I still maintain worked at the Thunderbird along with several meaningful path for their lives. It's an excit-
today. I even met my wife through a Sigma Brothers and Little Sisters as a bartender. ing time for them. Obviously, I am also
Chi Pledge Brother.
Did you live at the house? If so, who very busy building our business at OraSure
After college, I worked for the fraternity's were your roommates? Tell us a memo- Technologies, Ine.
national headquarters as an assistant execu- rable time with them. Earlier I thought I'd want to retire and head
tive secretary. I met Sigma Chi alumni from I lived at the house all four years. I moved off into the sunset. But lately, I enjoy working
allover the country, one of whom was out the spring semester of my senior year. My more than ever. So retiring doesn't sound as
instrumental in me being hired by Abbott first roommate was Griff Glatthaar '76, and appealing as perhaps I once envisioned.
Laboratories. Since then, I've run into Sigma we lived in the basement. We were assigned It is also a priority to· take care of myself
Chi Brothers in health care and related busi- to B-3. It was a small room, so I ended up and my family, and to spend more time with
nesses: the Past President of the American sharing a hall closet with Frank Herold '78. my wife, Sue. She has been my best friend for
Hospital Association Fred Brown is a Sigma My parents weren't too happy about that, but the past 25 years.
Chi and many Hospital Administrators, Frank and I survived. We still laugh about it
Health Care Providers, and Medical to this day. You will be receiving the Most Distin-
Industry executives are alumni, too. I'm a
As pledges, we moved to several different guished Alumni Award from the College
Significant Sig and have nominated others
rooms to get to know the different Brothers and of Applied Health Sciences at the Uni-
in the Healthcare Field to be recognized as
finally settled in Room 7: a double room that I versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Significant Sigs. There are so many Sigma Chi on October zs». How do you feel about
shared with senior Mark Cressy '75; we became
alumni that have made significant contribu- this honor?
great friends. I stayed in Room 7 for the rest of
tions to Healthcare in America. It is good for Being presented with this award is a very
college, and I would adopt younger roommates.
the reputation of the fraternity to help make nice honor. I always think, like any of these
their contributions more visible. What do you do for a living? Tell us awards, that there are many individuals more
about your career. deserving. But, these awards are really more
With whom do you stay in contact? After I received my B.S. degree in public
I keep in touch with my pledge brothers, for health administration in 1978, I worked at about recognizing the success of the program,
example. There were 21 of us, and I recently Sigma Chi national headquarters for two and how well it is designed to prepare young
invited as many as I could find to our summer years and then moved to Abbott Laboratories men and women to be successful in their
home. 30 years after graduating, 13 of us were in sales for their diagnostics division. I pro- careers. I am very appreciative to be awarded
and recognized by my College.
The Illinois Sig 7