Page 4 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2007
P. 4


               Goals and Aspirations Discussed - Including Winning Peterson Awards, Rush,
                        Scholarships, Leadership Training, Chapter Finances and More
                   High Attendance at Board OfDirectors Meeting - Over 50 Undergraduates Attended

                                                       By Eric W. Rahn 75

            On September 8, 2007, the Kappa Kappa  Chapter Award. It wasn't all that long ago  time was had by all. At the meeting, we
            Corporation  of Sigma Chi had a special  that the chapter was routinely a recipient of  announced  that our next Kappa Kappa
            meeting of members to elect the new  this award. At the September s- meeting,  Corporation  annual meeting would be held
            Board of Directors. While the meeting  the undergrads indicated one of their  next year at Homecoming  on October  11,
            itself was not unusual, what was unusual is  goals was to "win Peterson Awards ... lots  2008. Mark your calendars now.
            the location of this meeting - 410 E. John  of them." This is a truly admirable goal,  The final challenge facing us is to
            Street, our beloved Chapter House, for the  I  and one the undergrads think is quite  plan for the future. To this end, the Board
            first time 'in a very long time; In addition  attainable. Another one of their goals  recently created the Kappa Kappa of
            to' a number of the existing and newly  was to develop an alumni chapter in the  Sigma Chi Foundation. This is a charitable
            elected boardmembers,  the meeting was  Champaign  area-another  admirable goal.  foundation created to help raise funds for
            att~~ded by the undergraduate  Executive  How do we assist the undergrads  the future of our chapter - for scholarship
            Committee  as well as other undergraduate  in achieving their goals? I think the  and leadership, and for our physical plant. It
            brothers - over 50 undergrads all told!  best way to help is to inspire them and  is getting harder and harder to be admitted
                                              mentor them. Being involved on a far  to the University of Illinois, and the costs
                 "How do we assist the        more frequent basis is the first step. We  are increasing rapidly. The state funding for
             undergrads in achieving their    had a Board meeting on June 9, 2007  Illinois is now less that 20% compared to
                                              in downtown  Chicago on a Saturday  well over 50% just 20 years ago. This means
             goals? I think the best way to   morning. Ten undergrads,  including the  higher tuition and fees for the undergrads.
               help is to inspire them and    newly elected Consul and the past two  A meaningful scholarship and leadership
                    mentor them."             Consuls, attended this meeting to cover a  awards program will help Sigma Chi recruit
                                              number of subject-matters  involving-the  the best students and help develop them
              At this meeting, the Directors elected  undergrads. They gave up the better part  into leaders. A facility plan will pro actively
            the new officers of the Kappa Kappa  of a lovely summer Saturday to spend  help uS to maintain our nearly 100 year old
            Corporation.  Jack Davis '67 decided  time with the Board. The subjects covered  chapter house. More information about our
            not to continue on as President, and I  included the history and legacy at Kappa  fund raising plans will be available in the
           was elected to succeed him. While this  Kappa Chapter, short and long-term  coming months.
            is an incredible honor, it is also a great  goals of the undergrads,  rush, scholarship,
            challenge. It wasn't all that long ago that  leadership training, chapter finances and  "To this end, the Board
            the communications  between the alumni  house physical plant. To say the undergrads  recently created the Kappa
            and the undergrads was infrequent and the  were engaged would be an understatement.
            alumni involvement was limited. Jack took  All these subjects were again covered at the  Kappa of Sigma Chi Foundation.
            over as President and in the pastfew years  above mentioned  September 8th meeting.  Thisis a charitable foundation
           h~$ personally recruited a number of alums  I am pleased to report the undergrads are  created to help raise funds for
           - including several young alums - to get  focused and have their sights set on the  the future of our chapter - for
            involved. Under his guidance, the Board  Peterson Significant Chapter Award.  scholarship and leadership, and
           has engaged the undergraduate  chapter and  The second challenge facing us is to
            the result is great improvement  in many  improve the communications  with our  for our physical plant."
            areas. I would personally like to thank  alumni and provide more opportunities
           Jack for his incredible energy and strong  for alumni to be involved and get back  Over the 126 year history of Kappa
            commitment  to Kappa Kappa Chapter. He  on campus. For the first time in many  Kappa, we have been incredibly blessed with
           will remain involved as Vice President and  years, we sent out a mailing inviting our  outstanding success at the undergraduate
            I know his presence will continue to be a  alums to join us at the Chapter House  chapter level and with strong involvement
            positive influence.               for Homecoming.  The undergrads hosted  from extremely talented and dedicated
              So what are the challenges facing us?  a very nice post game "cookout" and we  alums. My hope is to honor those past
           The first and foremost challenge is to  had a brief program to update those in  accomplishments  by striving to achieve
            continue to nurture and challenge the  attendance  about the Kappa Kappa Corp.  current success through active alumni
            undergraduate  chapter to succeed. It has  plans and activities and to hear from the  involvement and the inspired efforts of
            been quite a while since the undergraduate  undergrads about their current school  a talented undergraduate  chapter. I am
            chapter received the Peterson Significant  year plans and achievements. A delightful  confident we are all up to the challenge!

        4                                                                November 2007
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