Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2007
P. 6
Success! Derby Days '06 Allowed House to Donate $20,000 to Children's Hospital
and '07 Checks Are Still Arriving!
The Semester Has Been Outstanding -Including Athletic Involvement, Leadership Positions Across
Campus, Strong Philanthropic Commitment and More!
By Kevin Elberts '09
The school year is underway, and the fall everyone involved. lacrosse, soccer and baseball teams, of whom
semester at Kappa Kappa is going well. We As for Derby Days 2007, we had another we are very proud. Also, in intramural leagues,
currently have 112 active members and 28 great year. Fourteen sororities participated, we have won the following championships
pledges, with 60 living at the Chapter House. and many local businesses donated or within the last year: "4 on 4" and "7 on
Also, fourteen members of our spring pledge J sponsored events. The week was a huge 7" football, indoor soccer and softball. In
class were initiated a few weeks ago. It was success" and we are still receiving donations addition, we placed first in Tri-Delt's Softball
an excellent l-week, and those who went and collecting money. Tournament and second in Theta Hoops.
through; had a life changing experience. We
The Chapter is very involved in student Homecoming was a great experience for
are excited to have them as brothers.
government and the Inter-Fraternity Council both the undergraduates and alumni. There
Four undergraduates recently made as well. Sean Durrani '09 is currently Vice were more than thirty alumni at the chapter
a trip to St. John's Children's Hospital in President of Risk Management for IFC, house after the game, where food was catered.
Springfield, Illinois. While there, they donated which is a very prestigious position, and helps Their presence was an outstanding reminder
our $20,000 check from Derby Days 2006. the chapter enormously. A number of other to the undergraduates of the lifelong duration
The brothers were also taken on a tour of brothers also serve on IFC Judicial Board and of our commitment. With alumni, House
the hospital and visited with sick children, to serve as Kolusis Monitors. Rob Main '09 is Corporation and undergraduates present, we
whom they gave toys and children's books. a member of the Student Senate, and plans honored Douglas A. Michaels '78 for his
The local media covered the event, and aired to run for Student Trustee next semester. As accomplishments in his career, contributions
a brief interview of one brother in Springfield aspiring leaders, we strive to gain prominent to society and dedication to the fraternity.
I. an,-,d-,-,-C,ha~faign.;'\ls~,_photos taken w10 the~_po}~tio_ns. in the University landscape. , > In. all, the semester has been outstanding so
I b
children were sent to donors and participants I n a thl ti h ave ro th ers on t e c u fa;;'and ,;;~ hope t~continue on thi; tre~d >of
e 1CS, we
in Derby Days. It was a great experience for SUCCt;ss.
David A. Brierley' 49 Let's Stay In Touch! Help Us Keep
(P.O. Box 414, Pawhuska, OK 74056) I am still active in the
quest for oil. You Up-To-Date With the Chapter,
Alumni Events and Activities By
Thomas Luker '59
(7634 Mid Town Road, Contributing Today
#301, Madison, WI 53719; We're Help Us Kick Off the New Giving Year!
sure looking forward to
the Class of '57 reunion in Help support the 2007-2008 giving year that started on
September & for the UI-UW September 1, 2007 by donating to the annual fund. You can
football game! donate by calling our toll-free hotline (800-975-6699) or by
Brother Lucker
Crndr, Frederic Ruehe '73 visiting our website ( annual fund
supports the following:
(1510 Gilbert Street, Norfolk, VA 23511) I am a Commander
Navy Region Midatlantic. Our newsletter, The Illinois Sig,
• The alumni website, which keeps us up-to-date on Sigma
Chi news and enables us to interact with each other online
through message boards, alumni updates, a searchable
CHAPTER ETERNAL directory and more;
Other letters, postcards, and print and web communications;
• Alumni events, such as homecoming; and
Richard "Dick" Bruggen '51 resided in Atchison, KS
Management of our alumni database, which provides accurate
and was a generous contributor to the Chapter. Dick
joined The Chapter Eternal on June 30, 2007. contact information for all of our brothers so that we can stay
in touch and reconnect with each other.
6 November 2007