Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2007
P. 5


                     Glad We Stayed In Touch! Five 1952 Sigs Take a Cruise Together and
                                               Recount Great Memories
                                        Jim McKinzie Receives Significant Sig Award

        On April 27, Joe Cole '52, Dr. Jim "Mac"  and then moved to San Diego. Helmut  is a  reunion of Kappa Kappa in 1981, attended
        McKinzie  '52, Herb Neathery  '52 and  retired banker and attorney in the San Diego  the Grand Chapter event. Bill is the son of
        Howie Robinson  '52, 4 of the 5 surviving  area where he was the President of a major  Mac's brother, the late John McKinzie'  49.
        members of the original 1952 class (Ken  financial institution.  Helmut  also served  Helmut received the Significant Sig Award at
        Mihill '52 is the other) and their wives (Fay,  as Governor Ronald Reagan's appointee  Kappa Kappa's 100 reunion. Helmut is listed as
        Marilyn, Lynn and Carolyn) took a seven  to three positions in the California  State  an Alpha Iota, Illinois Wesleyan Sig recipient of
        day cruise together from San Francisco to  Government.  On the cruise, Helmut  asked  the Award since he was initiated there.
        Vancouver aboard a Celebrity cruise ship. The  ! his four 1952 fraternity  brothers if they  Mac was a member of the Illini golf
        four were joined by Jim "Helmut"  Schmidt  knew why Ronald Reagan pledged TEKE  team and has continued  his golfing career as
        and his wife, Jerrie. Helmut is anAlpha  Iota  instead of Sigma Chi? The answer is that  a Country Club or Seniors champion eight
        Sig from Illinois Wesleyan who affiliated with  Eureka College, which Reagan attended,  did  times in the Ventura area. In 1994, Mac and
        Kappa Kappa and lived in the Chapter House.  not have a Sigma Chi Chapter!  his partner won the U.S. Seniors Pacific Coast
        Lynn, Carolyn and Jerrie were also Illinois  Joe was employed by two major steel  golf championship.  Mac and Marilyn have a
        graduates. (Fay graduated from Duke and  distributors during his 45 year career in  2 nd  home in Palm Desert, CA, where about
        Marilyn from Northwestern.)          specialty metals. He rose up through the ranks  15 Kappa Kappa Sigs and their wives gathered
           These five 1952 Sigs were very close in  and became sales manager and vice president in  for parties in January 1984. This was before
        college and had remained in touch. Herb, a  charge of sales. In Joe's retirement, he and Fay  the group went to the 1984 Rose Bowl in
        Hoopeston  native, now lives in Arlington,  continue to live in Prospect Heights, IL. They  Pasadena to see the Illini play UCLA.
        Texas; Joe is in Prospect Heights, Illinois;  travel to Florida during the fall and winter.
                                                                                    There was considerable talk during the
        and Howie lives in Hoopeston  and owns the
                                                                                  cruise about the fabulous January 1952
        Robinson Pork Farm.                     "There was considerable talk      Rose Bowl game with five Sigs on the team.
           In ad~tti.cln}Q~ge\tiItg ,tog~th~r and .sh~ring  4uringthecruise  about tbe-: .  Chuck .Studley ...'52 was an offensive guard
        old times and history plus getting up to date  fabulous January 1952 RoseBowl  and team captain. Herb and Stan Wallace
        on each other, the cruise had some terrific                               '54 were the starting defensive backs with
        ports to see. The night before the cruise  game with five Sigs on the team."  Joe and Paul "Swede" Luhrsen  '54 as key
        began, Bob Stone, a 1951 Kappa Kappa                                      reserve linebacker and center. With the Illini
        Sig, and his wife, Carolyn, joined the group  Herb was a jet pilot in the Air Force. He  trailing 7 to 6 late in the third quarter, Stan
        for a get-together  in San Francisco. Bob is  and Lynn are now Texans, living in Arlington.  intercepted  a pass and returned it about 60
        a Significant Sig who continues to be very  Herb is now retired. Herb served 30 years  yards, setting up an Illini touchdown.  Illinois
        active in helping the national efforts of Sigma  in the Air Force, primarily as a jet pilot. He  then scored five consecutive touchdowns  and
        Chi in many areas.                   was a Colonel who fought in the Vietnam  routed Stanford 41 to 7! Stan later played for
           The cruise stopped in the following ports:  War. Herb flew 16 jet planes, primarily single  the Chicago Bears.
        Monterey, CA; Astoria, OR; Seattle, WA;  engine jet fighters. He often traveled around  The· group also recalled the great
        Victoria, B.C.; and ending in Vancouver, B.C.  the world. Herb and Lynn lived in London,  . intramural year for 1952. TheSigs  finished in
        Dave Andrews '55 and his wife, Helen (U.  Germany, Turkey and Lebanon.    1" place in total points of the 56 fraternities
        of Illinois '57) joined the group at a Seattle  With Mac also retired, Howie is the only  in intramurals  and the Chapter received a
        event. Dave is a retired Boeing attorney who  one not yet retired. He enjoys raising hogs  huge trophy. One of the major successes was
        continues to work part time.         and plans to keep his Hoopeston  hog farm  in intramural  basketball, the Sigs won the
           Mac, a native of Bloomington,  has lived  even after he and Carolyn complete their  championship.  Herb and Helmut were starters
        in the Ventura area of California since the  planned move to Dixon, where Reagan grew  on that great team.
        early 1960s. He and Helmut see each other  up. Helmut's home town, Kewanee, was  The five 1952 Sigs say they will never
        frequently, as Helmut and Jerrie reside in  designated by the Illinois legislature as "the  forget this great cruise and the opportunity
        the San Diego area. In the spring of 1958,  Hog Capital of the World."    to get together with long time close friends.
        while living in Chicago, Mac and Helmut  Dr. Mac received the Significant Sig  They hope to take another cruise together in
        went vacationing in Ft. Lauderdale, FL and  Award this year at the June 30th Grand  the future.
        met Marilyn, who was a graduating senior  Chapter event in San Jose, CA. Mac's
        on spring break from Northwestern.  Mac,  award was based upon his many, many  Note: Five of the 1952 Sigsparticipated
        who was finishing up medical school at the  achievements in medicine. He specialized  in preparing this paper. Jim Schmidt
        University of Illinois in Chicago, then started  in Ophthalmology.  Mac's nephew, Bill  coordinated the input.
        dating Marilyn. They were married in 1960.  McKinzie,  who was Counsel of Kappa
           Helmut and Jerrie were married in 1958  Kappa in 1981 and was chairman of the ioo-

        The Illinois Sig                                                             5
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