Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Fall 2007
P. 2
·, II~~ ~L~O~DG~IN~G~ ~~
I DIRECTORS I Need a Place to Stay Overnight When Holding a Reunion
or Event?
II Jack Davis '54 2007-08 I Consider The Hilton Garden Inn, Formally the Site of the
I& Eric Rahn '75 2007-08 e" '/:::- Chancellor Hotel
I] Steve Sarovich '75 2007-08 J II If you are making plans for a reunion or event,
Peter Steger '79
I Steve Thayer '88 2007-08 P I the following information may be of assistance. Dawn Bagby, Director of Sales
Rob Dauphinais '97
Adam Miller '03
In the past, many of our Brothers have utilized
Hilton Garden Inn & Homewood Suites by
Ryan Griffin '04
Paul Bateman '03 2007-09 I" ~ the Chancellor Hotel, located on Neil Street in Hilton
The Chancellor has been replaced
Jim Hall '76 2007-09 by the Hilton Garden Inn. If this location is 1501 S. Neil Street
Matt Miazga '03 2007-09 logically located for your event, the contact at Champaign, IL 61820
Mark Anderson '77 2007-09 217/352-9970 Hilton Garden Inn
this hotel follows. (Dawn Bagby was extremely 217/352-9960 Homewood Suites by Hilton
helpful at the time of our 125 and has shown
ADVISORS 217/398-5763
Bill Mckinzie '81 to be a great friend to Kappa Kappa Sigs.)
Don Williams '88 (Illinois Sig
Get Connected! Register on Our Website to Accessthe Member
[ r II Directory, Alumni Updates, Monthly eLetters and More!
I COMMITTEES [I Are You Registered On
If Not, You May Be Missing-out!
Executive Committee
Eric Rahn
Registration is simple and provides the greatest found above your name and address on this
Jack Davis
access to the member directory, alumni updates,
-Steve-Sarovlch _ mailing,..Qr in QJJI newly upgraded.J]1onJhly,
- monthly el.etter rnailings and morelFollow - --
Steve Thayer eLetters.)
these easy instructions to gain access to your
Peter Steger o Your "Usernarne" will be your em ail
Sigma Chi brothers!
Property Management & address-one less username to remember!
o Go to and click on
Operations o You can set the site to remember your
the "First Time Login" link in the upper left
Paul Bateman - Chairman password for next time, so there's no need to
Eric Rahn log in every time you visit.
o Type in your last name when prompted.
Jack Davis If you have any trouble with the registration
Steve Sarovich o Select your record. (You'll be asked to process, click the "Tech Support" button at the
enter your "Member ID," which can be top of the screen for technical assistance.
Jim Hall- Chairman ~~l1 ~O~NT~H=E~W~EB~ ~L_
Eric Rahn
Jack Davis
Matt Miazga Keep Us In the Loop! What's New? Been Promoted? Have a
Alumni Relations New Family Member? Recently Retired?
Peter Steger - Chairman
Get Reacquainted With Brothers By Contributing Your Stories and Then
Ryan Griffin
Reading Others'
Mark Anderson
Your submissions are needed for future issues of o Events in your personal life (engagements,
Ryan Griffin - Chairman
The Illinois Sig and our website, weddings, babies, ere);
Paul Bateman Do you know of a
Adam Miller
brother that would be a great candidate for a o Promotions or accomplishments at work;
Matt Miazga
profile in our next newsletter? Do you have
Scholarship & University exciting news to share with the brotherhood?
o What you have done since college; or
Relations Please email all profile nominations and alumni
Bill McKinzie - Chairman updates to
o Stories about brorhers you were recently
Rob Dauphinais Alumni updates can include any of the reunited wirh or would like to reconnect with.
2 November 2007