Page 23 - Document from Mohit
P. 23
Myths: Busted
At this point there are a lot of things out there that can trick you in believing that they might protect
you from the dangerous Coronavirus. But will they help you? Here are the most common myths making
rounds and a fact check about them
Shoes spread Everyone who has Taking Alcohol can
Corona COVID-19 dies Protect You
Fact: The possibility of Fact: The fatality rate of Fact: Drinking alcohol
shoes spreading COVID-19 COVID is really low. Not does not protect anyone from
and infecting other personals everyone who has COVID COVID. It might have adverse
is very low. However as a will die. Most people who are affect on health.
precaution one can always infected from COVID-19 face
consider to leave shoes out of mild to moderate symptoms
the home to prevent all the dirt and can be cured.
or germs out of the home.
Adding Pepper To COVID-19 is Spraying or drinking
Your Food Can transmitted through disinfectant can
Cure COVID-19 houseflies protect you against
the virus
Fact: Adding pepper Fact: There is no evidence
to your food does as of yet that houseflies can Fact: Introducing or
not prevent or cure transmit the virus. spraying bleach or any
COVID-19. It would other disinfectant to your
add taste to your food body will not protect you.
but does not help in They are poisonous and
prevention of the virus. can harm you
Exposing yourself to Eating garlic Consuming
heat will protect prevents you from Vitamin-C Cures
you COVID-19 COVID-19
Fact: Exposing yourself to Fact: Garlic is healthy Fact: Vitamic-C does help
sun or high tempratures does food ingredient and has in building a better immune
not protect you from COVID antimicrobial properties. system. However, there is no
and even cause issues However there is no evidence proof that it cures COVID-19
like sun-burn and that eating garlic could
tanning. prevent the virus
Folklore 23