Page 24 - Document from Mohit
P. 24

We Are All In This Together

         And  the  people  stayed  home.  And  read  books,  passed, and the people joined together again, they
         and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made  grieved  their  losses,  and  made  new  choices,  and
         art,  and  played  games,  and  learned  new  ways  of  dreamed new images, and created new ways to live
         being,  and  were  still.  And  listened  more  deeply.  and  heal  the  earth  fully,  as  they  had  been  healed,
         Some  meditated,  some  prayed,  some  danced.  writes  writer  Kitty  O'Meara.  These  days  are  tough
         Some  met  their  shadows.  And  the  people  began  indeed  but  one  should  always  remember  to  be
         to  think  differently.  And  the  people  healed.  hopeful.  Always  remember  this  too  shall  pass.  We
         And, in the absence of people living in ignorant,  will  get  through  this  together.  There  are  number
         dangerous,  mindless,  and  heartless  ways,  the  of things that one can be hopeful for. Here is your
         earth  began  to  heal.  And  when  the  danger  dictionary of things to be thankful for!

         24 Folklore
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