Page 27 - Document from Mohit
P. 27

U                                                      X

                          Understood                                             Xenacious

                     People around you understand
                      you, you understand them. It                          You yearn for change, it will
                         indeed it a big support                                 happen eventually

                                V                                                     Y

                        Vulnerability                                              Yourself

                      You are vulnerable. You can                        If  there  is  something  you  should
                     feel things. That is a big super-                   embrace  the  most  is  YOU.  You
                                power.                                    have You and that is all you need.

                             W                                                    Z

                              Wealth                                               Zeal

                                                                       You have the enthusiasm to live
                     You have the resources to take
                    care of everything and everyone                               life, live it

                                 Stories You Might Have Missed

           In all the gloominess around not everything        believes that people working in the unorganized
           is sad and depressed. In fact, in this fight for   sector have been hit the worst and hence need
           corona people at different places have come up     help.
           to help and spread the positivity. Here are some   3. Children are stepping up to help in these
           positive incidents that have happened across the
           months that you might have missed-                 tough times. In recent months many kids have
                                                              given up all piggy banks to help for the cause.
           1. At greater Kailash police station three         One such even happened in the Chitrakoot belt
           women constables have been sewing masks that       of the country when an eight-year-old Soumya
           they could distribute among people who cannot      and 6-year-old Vaishnavi gave up their piggy
           afford to buy one. These masks are pink in color   banks to help people in need.
           symbolizing woman power.
           2. In order to help the mariginalised section of   4. When elderly people aged above 60 are said
           the society amid the ongoing pandemic Justice      to be at high risk, an elderly couple aged 93 and
           S.M. Subramaniam of the Madras High Court          88 recovered in Kerela from the virus beating all
           has donated one month of his salary. He has        odds. It was a touch fight indeed but ended with
           donated approximately 2.25 lakh Rs. The judge      a victory. The two are now completely fine.

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