Page 25 - Document from Mohit
P. 25

A                                                   F

                         Adaptibility                                 Friends and Family

                   The  capacity  to  change  as  per                These  are  the  people  who  are
                   situations.  Being  cooped  up                    beside  you  even  in  these  tough
                   in  homes  for  so  long  can  get                times. Don’t forget to count your
                   overwhelming, but one should be                              blessings.
                   thankful for their ability to adapt.
                                B                                                G

                             Balance                                             Gusto

                   Be Thankful for the balance you                     Do  and  enjoy  things  that  you
                   have  in  life.  Not  many  people                  like. That will maintain the flow
                                have it                                         of positivity.

                               C                                                H

                             Content                                Heath care workers

                   Where would we go if we did not                    They are the frontline warriors
                   know how to embrace things and                     working day and night to make
                           be thankful for it?                             sure we are all okay

                               D                                                  I

                            Discover                                        Immunity

                  The pandemic has given us a lot of                In this time when anybody could
                  time to explore and discover new                  be  exposed  to  the  deadly  virus.
                     things about yourself. Use it.                 Immunity is helping you through
                               E                                                  J

                            Empathy                                               Job

                  Not everyone has what you have.                   While many are losing their jobs, if
                  Show Empathy! It is very important                you have one, you really are lucky
                                                                              smile about it
                                                                                                     Folklore  25
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