Page 26 - Document from Mohit
P. 26

K                                                  P

                            Kindness                                              Pets

                    Times  are  tough,  Kindness  will                   Pets give you unconditional
                    make things better. Be Kind. We                    love. If you have one know they
                    will get through this together. It                         immensely love
                            will all be okay.

                                  L                                               Q

                                Love                                        Quality Life

                      When nothing works, Love                        You have everything you need, a
                      does. Be thankful for all the                   house, food, clothes and actually
                      love your friends and family                       more than that. It all to be
                        are showering on to you                                 thankful for
                              M                                                   R

                          Meditation                                             Relax

                    When things take a toll on your                   This is not a race. Take your time
                     mental health, meditate. Things                 to relax. Take it easy. You will do it
                               will be fine                                        slowly.

                               N                                                   S

                         Nourishment                                            Safety

                   One  out  of  seven  people  do  not              You  are  safe,  in  home,  with  your
                   have  enough  food  to  fulfill  their            loved ones. There is nothing more
                   nourishment requirement, You have.                          you will need.
                               O                                                   T

                          Opportunity                                      Togetherness

                   With so much time in our hands,                   You  are  not  alone.  We  are  all
                   there  is  enough  opportunity  to                         together in this.
                   start new things, ideate new things
         26 Folklore
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