Page 10 - History of Psychology
P. 10

The core of his methodological approach is found in various discourses on logic,
             which seek to analyze the thoughts contained in language. Two logical processes

             are  deduction  and  induction.  So  that  at  the  end  of  the  Greek  era,  important
             themes and issues in psychology began to be identified and well structured.

             Turning to Rome, the Roman community was initially not interested and had a love
             of  natural  science  which  became  the  basis  of  the  philosophical  system  of  their
             ancestors,  namely  the  Greeks.  However,  they  want  to  keep  it.  The  Stoic  and
             Epicurean philosophy of Rome played a role in the development of psychology,
             where  both  philosophies  were  still  limited  and  manifested  in  various  Roman
             religious practices. Roman philosophy was more specialized in general attitudes to
             life.  The  psychological  implications  of  this  view  are  limited  to  guidelines  for
             appropriateness and moral values.

             The  Stoics  have  a  fairly  conservative  view,  namely  that  it  is  the  universe  that
             determines  life,  or  in  other  words,  humanity  is  determined  by  the  destiny  of
             nature. Later, the Epicureans, as opposed to the Stoics, believed that happiness

             only involved the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance  of pain. The last major
             philosopher  from  the  pagans  was  Plotinus,  here  he  revived  Plato's  teachings
             which then dominated Christian teachings on psychology. The teachings of Jesus
             and various interpretations of the Christian message developed. With the fall of
             the Western empire, intellectual life in the West stagnated. The papacy then had a
             great role not only in the spiritual sphere but also in civil government, which then
             culminated  in  the  call  for  the  Crusade.  The  exposure  to  Islamic  culture  revived
             European interest in the great works of ancient civilization and intellectual revival.

             Discussion Questions

                 Compare Aristotle's attitude toward sensory experience with that of Plato!
                 Summarize the reason Greek philosophy was important to the development of
                 western civilization!

               Time                 : 90 minutes

               Methods         : Presentation and Discussion

               Material           :
               Assigment      : Create a group paper on learning material

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