Page 6 - History of Psychology
P. 6

It is also explained that human behavior has attributes, which are then explained
             in three views. Nativism emphasizes the role of inheritance in explaining the origin

             of human behavioral attributes. So in other words, human behavior is influenced
             by the genetic inheritance it has. While the view of empiricism emphasizes the role
             of  experience  in  human  attributes,  such  as  parenting  and  the  environment.  The
             view  that  then  appears  as  an  intermediary  is  convergent  which  assumes  that
             humans  and  their  behavior  consist  of  endogenous  and  exogenous.  Endogenous
             which  emphasizes  humans  have  innate  since  birth,  and  exogenous  which
             emphasizes experience and education.

             It  can  be  concluded  that  humans  are  the  most  perfect  and  dynamic  creatures
             whose development and behavior are influenced by internal and external factors.
             Internal  factors  are  congenital  and  genetic  from  birth  and  external  factors  are
             environment and parenting that are experienced as an experience.

             Discussion Questions

                 Discuss  the  nativist  and  empirics  explanations  of  the  origin  of  human
                 Is psychology a science?

               Time                 : 90 minutes
               Methods         : Presentation and Discussion

               Material           :

               Assigment      : Reflective learning by searching for a real life
                                           example on the relationship between humans

                                           and the environment

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