Page 7 - History of Psychology
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            Research                                                                                    2

            Methods of


             Definition and Scope of Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology

             Psychology is a term that comes from the Greek "Psyche" which means soul or life
             force, while "Logos" which means science. Literally psychology is the study of the
             psyche or also called the science of the soul, and the soul is manifested in human
             behavior and activities.

             The scope of psychology is that there are various schools that discuss psychology
             itself,  such  as  structuralism,  functionalism,  behaviorism,  cognitive,  humanism,
             psychoanalysis,  and  so  on.  Each  school  also  tries  to  define  psychology  and
             specifically discusses related to personality, development, social, abnormal and

             others. The purpose of the ongoing development carried out by psychology is to
             explain how psychology can theoretically be explained and how psychology as an
             application can be of real use in people's lives and as a science.

             Psychology itself has the following functions:
               1. Descriptive: how psychology describes its formal object completely, correctly
                 and clearly.
               2. Explanation:  how  psychology  explains  the  roots,  causes,  and  processes  of
               3. Predictive: how psychology makes predictions that can happen in the future
                 regarding human behavior.
               4. Control: how psychology directs human behavior to things that are expected
                 and avoid things that are not expected.

             To  continue  to  be  able  to  carry  out  its  function,  psychology  needs  to  be
             developed  through  various  studies.  Psychological  research  is  research  that
             analyzes human behavior and provides solutions to problems related to various
             psychological disorders. There are two kinds of research methods in psychology in
             general, namely: philosophical research and empirical research.

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