Page 8 - History of Psychology
P. 8

Philosophical  research  is  research  whose  approach  emphasizes  more  on  the

             spiritual aspects that exist in humans. Philosophical methods are:
                 Intuitive  method,  namely  research  is  carried  out  intentionally  or  not  with
                 experience and see the latest situation or event and conduct an assessment of
                 individual morals.
                 The contemplative method, which is contemplating the object to be studied
                 with experience.
                 Religious philosophical method, which uses religious materials to examine the
                 human person.

             While empirical research is a more objective research based on data. This method
                 Longitudinal  -  cross-sectional,  where  longitudinal  research  is  carried  out  by
                 comparing changes in research subjects within a certain time span. While cross
                 sectional, studying the dynamics of the relationship or the correlation of the

                 factors that have an impact.
                 Experimental and non-experimental, where the experimental method observes
                 or gives treatment to a subject under certain conditions or conditions. While
                 the non-experimental method takes data without artificial conditions or under
                 certain conditions.
             Methods  that  can  be  used  in  collecting  research  data  include  observation,
             interviews, questionnaires and psychological tests.

             Discussion Questions

                 Discuss about functions of psychology!
                 Describe  how  both  of  empirical  research  and  philosophical  research  would
                 explain how we know about psychology!

               Time                 : 90 minutes
               Methods         : Presentation and Discussion

               Material           :

               Assigment      : Search for a research article in psychology
                                           and identify the research methods in it.

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