Page 10 - What is the Workflow for Non-Grant Invoices
P. 10

Workflow for Non-Grant Invoices
        Inserting an Ad Hoc Approver After BI Central

        This option is used by BI Central to add additional approvers or reviewers if needed.


        1.  Click the Plus sign to the right of BI Central.

               Insert the approver as shown above.




        2.  Click the Save Approval Flow Changes button.

        3.  Add Comments as needed.

        4.  Approve the invoice to initiate the routing to the added Approver.
              If the invoice is denied, it will be sent back to the submitter.

        Final Approval of Invoice

        Once the invoice has been approved by BI Central (and any other inserted Ad Hoc approvers), the invoice will show a
        status of Approved. The submitter and all BI Central users will receive an email that the invoice was approved.

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