Page 49 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 49

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   4  9

                                         Left: Fateh Ibn Abu © Oliver and right © Lauer

                               FATEH IBN ABU SHEIK EL ARAB

          December 11, 2004 – February 12, 2020  (15             My soul mate dog - I miss him so
          years and 2 months), Germany.                          much! But I look forward to the day
          By Abu Azhar Sheik el Arab out of Rais                 when we meet again in another
          Siyada Rainine.                                        world.”

          Breeder and owner: Patricia Lauer,
          Germany.                                               By Patricia Lauer, Germany.

          “A Sloughi in 100 years, a character that
          one will only be allowed to experience once
          in a lifetime, wonderful in everyday
          coexistence as well as in sports.

          Sovereign pack leader, excellent in
          racing, showing, coursing; Sloughi father,
          grandfather, great-grandfather and great-
          great-grandfather, he lives on in his more
          than 200 descendants.

                                                                                      © Lauer
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