Page 46 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 46
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 6
Now that she is 15 years and 10 months, Titles
Omayma has slowed a bit, not running as IABCA International Champion
much anymore, but she still walks around Reserve Best in Show (all breeds)
outside. She is comfortable on her padded Twice Reserve Best Bred by Exhibitor
bed, sharing it often with Phareeda in Show (all breeds)
Shi’Rayan. Four times Best in Hound Group
Four times Best Bred by Exhibitor in
Omayma was fast but could never be as fast Group (all breeds)
as her brother, O’Dah. Nevertheless, she 35th Sloughi Gazehound Racing
finished her Gazehound Racing Champion Champion
title in sprint racing in style."
By Dr. Bernd Fritzsch, USA.
With French Pointer Bouncy, early 2005 © de Caprona
February 2017 © de Caprona
Reserve BIS, Gray Summit, Missouri, 2008