Page 43 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 43

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   4  3

                        Left: coursing in Kansas, 2011 © Big Paw Prints and right: in 2007 © de Caprona

                                             O'DAH SHI'RAYAN

         June 1, 2004 - October 11, 2019 (15 years and          O’Dah managed to course without being

         4.5 months), USA.                                      soaked while his companion, Mujiir, was
         By Bi-na Mahanajim out of Ibtsama Haifa                running right through the swamp and
         Shi’Rayan.                                             came out completely wet. Naturally,
         Breeder: Dr. M.-Dominique Crapon de                    O’Dah was not placed first, but he was the
         Caprona, owner: Dr. Bernd Fritzsch, USA.               “dry” Sloughi.

         “O’Dah was born the first day of June, and             O’Dah was our fastest sloughi for a while,
         became “my puppy." He was an outstanding               dominating for years in LGRA and NOTRA
         Shi’Rayan, great in the field and in the show          events.  I remember when we were going
         ring, with wonderful presence, with one                to the LGRA/NOTRA Nationals, O’Dah was
         minor problem: if he was going into dark               racing so far ahead of the other Sloughis,
         corners, he would stop approaching the                 that I was not worried about O’Dah taking
         person.  He also hated to get wet.                     off, as he was trying to “play” with the

                                                                lure.  At one time, I was standing close to
         I remember when we had an ASFA                         O’Dah when he dived down to catch the
         International Invitational coursing event in           “bunny.” He knocked me off my legs from
         Oklahoma, it was soaked with water to the              underneath with only one thing in mind:
         extent that the field was almost filled with           get the “bunny.” That was O’Dah, intense

         rain, with a few dry spots.                            and running for nearly eight years. Later
                                                                on, we offered him to run for his own fun.
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