Page 45 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 45
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 5
Left: December 2017 and right: December 2015 © de Caprona
June 1, 2004 - close to 16 years now, USA. When I was starting to show Omayma in
By Bi-na Mahanajim out of Ibtsama Haifa the IABCA show circuit, one judge was
Shi’Rayan. taken with her and gave her a Hound group
Breeder: Dr. M.-Dominique Crapon de win. She was young and inexperienced,
Caprona, owner: Dr. Bernd Fritzsch, USA. being for the first time in the show ring. In
spite of that, she behaved exceptionally
“Omayma Shi’Rayan was beautiful, very well, following near me and responding to
racy, stubborn if need be, but was always all my minor suggestions to stop and
happy with a wagging tail. She was the one go as I wanted her to.
I picked out of the litter to be “my” future
“friend,” sleeping with me on the bed or on Soon after, we stopped showing her and
her bed in the bedroom, whenever I was she was bred to our beautiful Fa’iq
home in our “dog cabin” (as I refer to our Shi’Rayan in 2006. She whelped the "Q"
log cabin). She is still fully functional at her litter at Shi'Rayan.
age, walking around outside, interested in
food and apples which she likes. I hope that It took several years later before we could
in only two months she will be 16 years old go to shows with her again. When she was
like her mother Ibtsama Haifa was. almost 15, I presented her at an AKC show,
Omayma is the last of the O litter to still be and she won the major in bitches, winning
alive. against her own daughter and other
younger Sloughias.