Page 44 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 44
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 4
O’Dah was beautiful and impressive when My O’Dah was found asleep in his bed, he
we started showing him at IABCA shows. In would not come up when I asked him. To
2007, I remember one situation that stayed the very end, he was always a strong
with me forever. I was coming back to my Sloughi, with a dignified presence.”
hotel in the evening when two kids came to
me: “Wow, this is a beautiful dog, can I By Dr. Bernd Fritzsch, USA.
touch it?" O’Dah was pet for a little while,
then later on settled on my bed and fell Titles
asleep. IABCA International, Honor and Honor
Bronze Champion
The another major show event with IABCA Reserve Best Rare Breed In Show
was when O’Dah was almost 14 years of First Sloughi Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show
age! It was a terribly hot day, nearly 110F, Twice Best Veteran in Show
but he showed really well. The four judges Gold Cup Silver winner
were all very impressed at how he behaved AKC Champion,#2 all breeds in AKC 2018
so well, asking me what his secret was to
grow so old. Lo and behold, O’Dah was 5th Sighthound Superior Gazehound Racing
given two Best in Show veteran rosettes. I Champion V in straight racing
was so happy for him. 16th Sloughi Oval Racing Champion
7th Sloughi Field Champion
Last, but not least, he was shown at a few Nubia Memorial Cup Winner for best Sloughi
AKC events in 2018 and completed his AKC athlete 2007, 2008, 2009
championship title at the age of 14 years Odah is the first Sloughi to be both AKC
and 5 months, something I am told is Champion and Field Champion.
unheard of. He finished with 4 majors and a
few points won against much younger
competition and finished #2 in overall
ranking in AKC that year.
After several years of retirement, he was so
excited that he would run to the van when
we were getting ready to leave for a show.
Editor's note: The Shi'Rayan "O" litter
descends from El-Kahla Schuru-esch-
Schams, Tunisian Dinah, and Amir
Shi'Rayan is a great-granduncle, all three
featured here. O'dah's lineage is still active November 2018 © de Caprona
through his "S" litter in Finland and the USA.