Page 47 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 47
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 4 7
Omneya in 2013 and in Spring of 2007
June 1, 2004 - March 9, 2020 (15 years and 9 Omneya was a free spirit that really did
months), USA. not like the leash, unless it was to take
By Bi-na Mahanajim out of Ibtsama Haifa her racing or coursing. Because of this
Shi’Rayan. behavior we could never show her. It was
Breeder and owner: Dr. M.-Dominique always head down, neck muscles locked
Crapon de Caprona, USA. and pull. She was most of the time
moving freely on the property or in the
“My lovely “red mantle” Omneya was full of house.
spunk and mischief. She had the most
beautiful eyes. But she was an avid racer and courser,
finishing her big title in straight racing
An escape artist extraordinaire, I decided easily. In coursing it was not her lack of
to not place her and kept her. She gave us a interest but her owner’s change in
few hair raising episodes, digging under priorities that did not enable her to finish
every fence and taking dogs with her into a Field Champion title.
the woods and neighboring fields. She
found a digging partner in Bouncy, my Omneya knew what she wanted but was
mother’s French Pointer. She was in charge never aggressive to any other dog. She
of den excavations in the garden, with guarded the property and barked at who
assistants Mouja, Rsassa, Bouncy and later ever came to the gate. At dog events she
on Homer. was no problem at all.