Page 39 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 39

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  9

                           Left: Djari el Hor with his son Injah Ibn Djari, and right: at the age of 14 years

                              DJARI EL HOR SHEIK EL ARAB

        November 26, 2003 - August 26, 2019 (15               His carefree youthful behavior changed
        and 10 months), Germany.                              when he was about four years old and his

        By Djamil el Ahtal out of Yashaya Jameilon            red sand-colored son Injah moved in with
        Qeil Jezira.                                          us. From then on, he felt responsible for
        Breeder: Patricia Lauer, owner: Gabriele              what went on, so far as to break out the
        Holtschulte-Bänker, Germany.                          food for his offspring. With the result that
                                                              he lost weight noticeably during this time
        “Indeed, there had been no plan to have a             and we had to feed significantly more. This
        Sloughi in our family. But Djari snuk into            was repeated for all puppies that entered

        my heart unnoticed before I realized, and             our household.
        will always occupy a special place there. At
        first he stayed as a weekend guest and then           Overall, Djari was a typical Sloughi,
        became our loyal companion for many                   sensitive and reserved. However, if he had
        years and was a great support during an               people in his heart, they were always
        illness.                                              welcome. He was able to win over even

                                                              people who were actually afraid of dogs
        Djari was very social with all dogs. In               within a short time. He stayed attractive
        particular, he showed a lot of patience in            and fit all the time, so that even a judge
        playing with puppies.                                 thought him to be a youngster, instead of a
                                                              10 years old veteran.
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