Page 34 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 34

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  4

         His swellings were drained by my                      Like his half-sister Ibtsama Shi’Rayan, he is
         veterinarian who said they would come                 a great-grandson of the oldest Sloughi on
         back, but they never did once he learned to           record in North Africa, Dinah. Amir
         sleep on a dog bed. Instead of being fed the          Shi’Rayan, also featured in this issue, is his
         cheapest kibble available, he was given high          uncle as well.

         end kibble and natural food. He was let free
         outside as much as possible so that he                Titles and wins
         would move normally and regain muscle                 IABCA International Champion
         tone. It took him 2 years to come around              Group winner
         and appreciate the comfort that he had                3 times Best bred by Exhibitor in Group
         never experienced, and when fed an
         appropriate food, his ears never bled again.          32nd Sloughi Gazehound Racing Champion

                                                               (LGRA, straight racing)
         Mujiir was then introduced to racing and              #4 Sloughi in ASFA lure-coursing in 2006
         coursing which he really enjoyed, and he              #1 Sloughi in ASFA lure coursing 2008
         was shown in the IABCA circuit. He was
         very good friends with O’Dah, Omneya,
         Ibtsama, Negma Shi’Rayan and

         Bensekrane’s Rsassa with whom he shared
         many hours of his life. Ibtsama and Negma
         came back at the same time he did and they
         all three recovered together.

         Like his half sister Ibtsama, Mujiir never
         showed aggression to other dogs. He was a

         very loving Sloughi, still playful in his old
         age. Mujiir loved to play with mini                          Mujiir playing with Omneya and Rsassa
         pumpkins and eat raspberries that he
         carefully plucked from our bushes."

         Three photos and text by Dr. M.-

         Dominique Crapon de Caprona, USA.

         Editor's note: Mujiir does not have direct
         descendants, but his bloodline has been
         passed on by his sister Munya Shi’Rayan, his

         half sister Ibtsama Haifa Shi'Rayan and his
         uncle Aswad Shi'Rayan.
                                                                              Mujiir eating raspberries
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