Page 29 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 29
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 9
Left: Shi’Rayan’s “O” litter born June 1, 2004, and right: the day Ibtsama returned to us in 2003, 3 years old
January 5, 2000 – April 4, 2016 (16 years and blunt, aggressive, sending outrageous
3 months), USA. emails and constantly harassing my
By Tunisian Tarfa out of Bouthayna husband at work because he thought
Shi’Rayan. he had an affair with his wife – just
Breeder: Dr. M.-Dominique Crapon de because he had helped her with her
Caprona, first owner: Michal Dubrovsky, second puppy.
then in 2003: Dr. M.-Dominique Crapon de
Caprona, USA. In the end when I could convince the
Dubrovskys that the 2 Sloughias
"It all started out well with an owner needed to come back to us, I asked a
enthusiastic about doing something for the friend in the San Francisco area if he
breed and doing everything right. But then, could help us with the situation. Alan
she decided to have a family and the Segal was active in rescue there and
husband and kids got in the way of the agreed to take the two dogs in for a
dogs. It took many months of careful few days to give Bernd the time to book
negotiations and patience to extract a flight and retrieve the Sloughias
Ibtsama and Negma Shi’Rayan from this without himself being harassed. Time
family. was of the essence. Alan Segal did a
great job fostering the two dogs. There
The owner was highly emotional and was a great sigh of relief when Bernd,
clinging to the dogs while her husband was Ibtsama and Negma got back home. It
was in spring of 2003.