Page 32 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 32

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  2

         Saari once became a mother of one puppy                   Editor's note: Bint Saariyah was  a great
         (El Jahrousse).                                           granddaughter of Dinah, the oldest
                                                                   recorded Sloughi in North Africa who
         Afterwards cysts on her ovaries appeared                  lived at least 15 years in Tunisia. She was

         repeatedly, hence the veterinarian’s advice               also a great-great-granddaughter of Es-
         to have Saari spayed at just under 3 years.               Sa’ida Schuru-esch-Schams and was thus
         After that she felt much better.                          distantly related to Odin Schuru-esch-
                                                                   Schams, also featured in this issue.
         A minor stroke occurred in December 2015,
         making it difficult for her to get up and                 Bint Saariyah’s bloodline was passed on by

         walk for a week. With medication, there                   her son El Jahrousse Sheik el Arab.
         was an improvement until further
         paralysis appeared at the beginning of June
         2016. In the end, I had to let her go.”

         Photos and text by Patricia Lauer,

         DWZRV Deutscher Champion
         VDH Deutscher Champion
         FCI International Champion
         Coursing Champion (CLU)

                                       Left: Saariyah at 16 months and left at 9 months
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