Page 37 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 37
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 7
November 26, 2003 – May 14, 2019 (15 years She could do without exhibitions, racing
and 6 months), Germany. or coursing, even hours long walks, and
By Djamil el Ahtal out of Yashaya Jameilon the older she got, the more comfortable
Qeil Jezira. she became. Djahra was one of the most
Breeder and owner: Patricia Lauer, uncomplicated Sloughis I have ever
Germany. experienced. Her upbringing was
completely unproblematic; again her
“Suffice one word to describe Djahra: cozy! motto was: just no stress!
Just don't rush! Neither with humans nor with other
dogs had she ever been at odds. She
That was her motto, whether in racing, turned away on principle from fights,
coursing or in everyday life, like when whether between two-legged or four-
eating: Djahra took her time. In general, her legged.
needs were quickly satisfied: good food, a
comfortable bed, some caresses and some She also raised her 18 puppies, 9 per
exercise, that was enough for her to live litter, with content composure. With her
perfectly. first litter, she had help, and together
with Püppie (Bakhta Baha'an Sheik el
Arab) the G-litter Sheik el Arab was
completely provided for.