Page 33 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 33

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   3  3

                                    Mujiir lure coursing © Joe Stewart, and at home

                                          MUJIIR SHI'RAYAN

         October 10, 2001 - June 30, 2017 (15 years             At that point in time, I said I wanted the
         and 8 months), USA.                                    dog back. The owner’s father drove
         By Tunisian Tarfa out of A’Ssissa Shi’Rayan.           Mujiir all the way back from Tennessee.
         Breeder: Dr. M.-Dominique Crapon de                    When he got here, he first apologized
         Caprona, first owner: Jennifer Newman                  for his daughter’s behavior. He then took
         (Sambuca), then in 2003: Dr. M.-Dominique              Mujiir out of the truck, and Bernd,
         Crapon de Caprona, USA.                                thinking the dog would need to run after

                                                                such a long trip, released Mujiir in
         "In 2003, I received an email from the                 the large 2-hectares fenced enclosure. All
         owner complaining about Mujiir’s ears                  Mujiir did was trot in circles, Bernd was
         bleeding. After she would not listen to                appalled. He told the man “you need to
         putting some skin cream at the tips of his             leave now.”
         ears, she went to a veterinarian specializing

         in dermatology.                                        Mujiir was in very poor physical and
                                                                mental condition; edges of his ears all
         I asked if my veterinarian could talk to him.          crusted, swellings full of fluids on his
         It was agreed and my veterinarian did just             elbows, no muscle tone, too thin and he
         that. During the conversation the specialist           had a broken expression.  He must have
         told her Mujiir would be better off with               been kept in a cage and slept on hard
         another owner and on a much better food.               surfaces all the time.
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