Page 35 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 35
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 5
Left: Salmon as a puppy with his sister and Aisha, right: with his sister (he is on the right) © Kouřilová
June 4, 2002 (Tunisia) - August 7, 2017 Until he was 8 years old, he alternated
(15 years and 2 months), Czech Republic. between his owner and her parents. When
By Merzegui out of Gtaya. he was thought to be a nuisance, the
Imported as a very young puppy from owner brought him to me saying he needs
Tunisia to the Czech Republic in 2002.* to be watched for a while.
Owner: Petra Adámková, Czech Republic.
In the end, Salmon stayed with me until his
“Salmon was not my dog, but he spent the death. I have been in this breed for 28
beginning and the end of his life with me. years and Salmon was one of the most
He and his sister Santé flew from Tunisia as loved because of his amazing disposition.
tiny puppies in the summer of 2002 He was a great dog and very grateful.
and he stayed with me until his weight was
7 kg. He was exhibited very little due to the
owner's lack of time. I am very happy that
They were nurtured by my Sloughia Aisha he was the father of the “N” litter at
el Kou. She did not have puppies but within Bohemia Genao and that he had offspring.”
a week of the puppies’ arrival, she
produced milk and nursed them for about 3 By Elena Kouřilová, Czech Republic.
weeks. So Santé and Salmon were nursed
by two mothers. *Editor's note: the owner was untraceable
to ask for the breeder's name.