Page 31 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 31
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 3 1
Left: Bint Saariyah with El Jahrousse Sheik el Arab
May 11, 2001 – June 6, 2016 (15 years and 1 She had a very marked self-confidence.
month), Germany. She never avoided quarrels, and she was
By Tunisian Tarfa out of Aljana Sheik el always convinced of her own
Arab. "immortality."
Breeder and owner: Patricia Lauer,
Germany. However, she never questioned my
priority as "pack leader" while other family
“Bint Saariyah, named Saari, came from a members were often ignored with
litter of 9 puppies, 3 males and 6 females. arrogant indifference.
Thanks to Dominique Crapon de Caprona
and Bernd Fritzsch’s help, I was able to Overall, she was a gourmet and eating was
bring frozen semen of the Tunisian import her great passion. A Dutch judge once
male "Tarfa" from the USA to Germany. said: "This dog lives too close to the
Saari was my first choice from the litter
because she was the most similar in Racing and coursing were also her great
appearance to her Tunisian ancestors. Her passion, but her heat that came every six
character was also very original "North months prevented participation in some
African." events.