Page 28 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 28
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 8
Also in the dealings with our daughter Ivy, Titles
born in August 2011, she was just great! Mugy was the first Sloughia to be awarded
From the beginning, Mo stood by her. all three titles of the FCI: FCI World
While on a walk, Ivy led Mo on a leash, Race Winner 2003, European Race Winner
which always worked great with the two of 2002 and FCI- European coursing winner
them. 2003.
She also won:
In October and December 2013, Mo had a 110 Jahre DWZRV Jubiläumsrennsiegerin
geriatric vestibular syndrome episode, 2002, Bundesrennsiegerin 2003, Int. Derby
from which she recovered quite well. And Siegerin 2003, Dt. Kurzstreckenmeisterin
then, to our delight, we were together 2003, 2004 and 2005
for another 1 1/2 year.
But Mo wasn't just fast, she was just as
During her active time, Mugy was the first beautiful!
and only Sloughia of Belgian breeding with International Beauty Champion
a racing and coursing license. Mo DWZRV Deutscher Champion
participated in 43 racing and 20 coursing VDH Deutscher Champion VDH
events in her entire active running time. All Deutscher Champion Schönheit und
this flawlessly and without a single Leistung
disqualification. Luxembourg champion, FCI European
Youth Champion 2000, Polish Junior
At 15 years and 6 months you have started Winner 2000 and Belgian Winner 2001.
your last journey dear Mugy.
And at some point we'll see you again!
Mugy, we love you and will never forget
you! You will always have a place in our
Text and photos by Jessica Mähner and
Stefan Kopriva, Germany.