Page 23 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 23
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 3
Left: Isafi 4 years old and right: 14 years and 2 months at the German Sloughi club show in 2012
May 13, 1998 - December 6, 2015 (17 years She was also hunting, but she came back
and 7 months), Germany. very fast, when the rabbit was out of sight.
By Ashmun al Afric out of Chebba el She was thus very often allowed to walk off
Maschrak. leash. When she was old, and did not hear
Breeder: Gisela Masurat-Walden, owner: and see very well, I had to pay attention or
Carolin Betzel-Grau, Germany. run after her, because otherwise, she did
not know where I was.
"Isafi was a very quiet Sloughi-lady and
very friendly – and she loved her food, so She loved holidays with me, so she also
much so that when we visited her breeder, travelled several times to Mallorca, Italy and
Gisela Masurat-Walden, I was told each other places. She loved driving by car. She
time that Isafi was too fat. But, she had a loved sand under her feet, then she started
happy life and maybe it was also the secret running…
of her long and happy life….
When a new puppy came to my home, she
She loved her walks with me and when we was from the beginning very friendly with
came out of the woods and had free sight, it. She was playing with the puppy until she
she always stopped and first looked at what was very very old and she was walking with
was going on and if there was something us through the woods still a few weeks
interesting. before she died.