Page 22 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 22
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 2
With Oya I had my first Sloughi litter in the Oya was very fit until a few days before her
kennel Ksar Ghilane. She clearly passed on death and also looked much younger than
her passion for racing to the rest of the she was. She died of a viral infection at the
generations, although of course I have age of 15 years and 7 months. Nevertheless,
always taken care to have the willingness to she is still very present and hardly a day
perform in the partners as well. goes by when she is not mentioned by us.”
Oya's kids, grandkids and great-grandkids Photos and text by Cora Nürnberger,
dominated the European racing scene like Germany.
no other! Particularly noteworthy is her
grandson, Dagash Ksar Ghilane. He not Titles
only won the World Racing Championship FCI World Racing Champion 2001
but is the most perfect all-rounder in the Landesrennsieger Baden-Kurpfalz 1999
Sloughi males (show, race and coursing). CACIL-Prüfung Schönheit und Leistung
Her great-grandson Ghanoosh Areen Ksar Körung
Ghilane (mother V'Haddiyah Shi'Rayan)
wrote Sloughi racing history. Five seasons Editor’s note: Oya is related to Odin Schuru-
consistently at the top, twice he won both esch-Schams, also featured in this issue,
the World Championship and the European through Es-Sa’ida Schuru-esch-Shams, her
Championship’s races (among countless grandmother and Odin’s mother.
other title races). This underlines his
uniqueness, because these races take place
every two years alternately and therefore
no other Sloughi will achieve this so
quickly. And another great-grandson of
Oya is a sporty natural talent. Ghanem Ksar
Ghilane was twice European coursing
champion, once European race winner and
a few times German coursing winner. For
generations, Oya’s descendants have been
racing away!
With Oya I connect the two most beautiful
days of my life: the world race victory and
the birth of the first Sloughis in my kennel.
Oya 14 and 1/2 years old