Page 25 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 25
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 2 5
March 30, 1999 – August 16, 2014 (15 years Vaha had two litters in the kennel Ksar
and 4.5 months), Germany. Ghilane and her lineage still lives on in
By Farouk Bo-Ammar out of Chimara her great-grandkids and great-great-
Schuru-esch-Schams. grandkids in Finland and Germany.
Breeders: Ingeborg & Eckhard E. Schritt
and Dr. Erich Zimmermann, owner: Cora Vaha lived to be 15 years and 5 months
Nürnberger, Germany. old and has only brought me joy all her
“Vaha Schuru-esch-Shams, my black pearl
or, as a judge once announced in the Best Her wonderful nature combined with
In Show ring, a black beauty from North her beauty has made her a very special
Africa, was and is for me the most beautiful Sloughia.”
Sloughi I have seen in my life.
Three photos and text by Cora
In addition, no other Sloughi has given me Nürnberger, Germany.
as much pleasure in showing. She was a
natural show talent and by her very
harmonious nature, she was generally very
easy to handle.