Page 21 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 21

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                    2  1

                    Left Oya sleeping with an Italian Greyhound and left with her son Anamur Ksar Ghilane

                             OYA SCHURU-ESCH-SCHAMS

          October 21, 1996 – May 16, 2012 (15 years              She was a first-class sunshine and never
          and 7 months), Germany.                                in a bad mood, a boundless optimist.
          By Ushur Schuru-esch-Schams out of                     From the time she moved in at 12 weeks
          Rashiqa Schuru-esch-Schams.                            here with me in Albig, she ruled this
          Breeders: Ingeborg & Eckhard E. Schritt                house and continues to do so far beyond

          and Dr. Erich Zimmermann, owner: Cora                  her death.
          Nürnberger, Germany.
                                                                 Oya, a tremendously lively girl, was
          "Oya Schuru-esch-Schams was, after my                  endowed with what distinguishes a race
          two Tunisian males, my first Sloughi and to            Sloughi: we call it bite (drive). That is, the
          this day she was and is unique!                        absolute will to succeed, in this case to

                                                                 catch the hare.
          Oya, with a charisma that I have never seen
          in a single Soughi, was with her 65 cm,                She showed that particularly well in her
          rather small and inconspicuous, but by her             World  Championship race victory in
          appearance and her very frequent and on-               Münster, in 2001. At just under 5 years of
          command laughter, she was always the                   age, this magnificent success was also a
          center of attention, no matter where she               victory over a long injury break,

          was and what she did.                                   culminating in a toe amputation five
                                                                  weeks before this title race.
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