Page 17 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 17
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 7
Odin and owner © Händel
November 15, 1989 – July 7, 2006 (16 and 8 Titles
months), Germany. Conformation
By Walid el tahiri out of Es-Sa'ida Schuru- International, Deutscher, VDA
esch-Schams. Champion
Breeders: Ingeborg & Eckhard E. Schritt, Landessieger Baden Kurpfalz 1991 and
owners: Christa & Sepp Händel, Germany. Südbayern 1992
11 Best Of Breed
"Odin had five siblings who apparently all 21 Sieger Schönheit und Leistung
reached the age of 16: Okba, Ophir, Orani, (Beauty and Performance winner)
Orphee, and Overo Schuru-esch-Schams.
Odin was a handsome, fast and lovable
family dog, uncomplicated, friendly and
trusting. He just loved the race and
dominated the field from 1991- 1996."
By Christa Händel, Thomas Liedtke,
Germany, and M.-Dominique Crapon de
Caprona, USA.
1993 © Händel