Page 14 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 14
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 1 4
Basana did not have puppies but her
bloodline is present today through her
brother Badawi Schuru-esch-Schams."
By Christa Händel, Thomas Liedtke,
Germany, and M.-Dominique Crapon de
Caprona, USA.
Deutscher Champion and UICL Champion
for Beauty and Performance (one of only 2
female sighthounds with that UIC title)
Deutscher Champion
Deutscher Kurzstreckenmeister 1987
Internationaler Schweizer Derbysieger 1985
and 1987
Bundessieger Österreich 1987
Basana painted on silk © Händel
A lasting friendship, Urika, 16, and Basana, 15, on a walk © Händel