Page 10 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 10

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                    1  0

        She won Best In Show in Germany, in 1983,                Fannaya was never ill and reached the
        at a show organized by Mr. Schritt, with an              high age of 16 years!

        entry of over 40 Sloughis and a lot of other
        sighthounds. And she was only entered                    With thanks to Fannanya’s owner Nely
        because she accompanied the Afghans of a                 Bleji."
        friend of Nely’s, who were the main reason
        for going to that show.                                  By Els Siebel, the Netherlands.

        On August 28 1983, Fannanya won the                      Editor’s note: Fannanya herself did not

        sighthound group at the big show in                      have puppies but her bloodline lives
        Rotterdam becoming the first Sloughi to do               on today through her two brothers Fursan
        so! All the other Sloughi owners of those                and Furuq of Mumtaz-I-Javanadmi.
        days enjoyed this victory with her! In the
        breed competition, her brother Fursan was

        best dog, CAC, CACIB - their judge was
        Mrs. Heerkens–Verschuuren.

        According to the old sighthound judge and
        Sloughi specialist Mr. van der Molen, it
        took so long because the breed Sloughi
        does not look that spectacular at all.

                                                             Above: a very special memory, placing first at the FCI
                                                            World show, 1985. The next day the owner underwent
                                                             a new and successful transplant against Leukemia.

                                                             Right: Fannanya in 1983 winning Best In Show
                                                             under the rain in Germany.
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