Page 8 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 8
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 8
Kate was a very determined lady, she knew was very common in Ventura because
exactly what she wanted: a Sloughi like many movie stars and other wealthy
Akbar. Such a Sloughi they had owned and people lived there.
such a Sloughi they wanted again. But I did
not have a litter. No problem, she waited Kate had Farhan put to sleep because
patiently until I would breed another litter. muscle atrophy made it increasingly
Then I had to choose a puppy dog and send difficult for him to walk. But until the very
him by plane. When the litter was born, I end he went into the sea for a swim, if the
sent pictures several times. We both picked waves were not too high.
the same dog.
He is very much missed, because Kate and
At the age of 3 months he went to Los Carl think he was the last of the Mohicans,
Angeles. When he left his crate, he walked their last genuine Sloughi. They say they
straight up to Kate, as if he had only just are both too old now to give a young
travelled by car for an hour or so. With Sloughi the exercise it needs. It would
the old smooth Saluki he clicked very well. never have a lack of love but with love
This Saluki raised Farhan. Farhan was really alone a Sloughi cannot thrive.”
quick in understanding how to “melt”
people, especially his master and By Jeanny Braakman – Machielsen
mistress. He sat on his little behind, front (Mumtaz-I-Javanadmi), in “Oriëntatie”, the
feet on the edge of the fountain in the Dutch Oriental Sighthound Club’s
patio, so the water would sprinkle over his magazine, issue 1/97. Translated from
snout. He spent mornings and evenings Dutch by Els Siebel.
running on the beach, living the life a
Sloughi deserves. Editor’s note:
*Tagiurie el Sian, imported in the USA from
After the old Saluki died, soon after other Libya by the Rodartys, littermate of
Salukis came, a smooth coated and a Djameela (Damiela) imported in the
feathered, both from America. Farhan was Netherlands by Mrs. van Duyvenbode.
lord and master but always a gentleman. He
sometimes had his own smart way of Farhan was the sire of the first litter, with
getting things done his way, always a Tounsia Kahloul de la Treille (1986), out of
Sloughi throughout! He was reserved which Sloughis would be shown in the USA
towards strangers, yet curious, a guard of - one of which was his famous daughter
the house and definitely of his own people. Jaaram Nubia.
Farhan's lineage survives today through his
Kate and Carl did not have to fear their brothers Fursan and Furuq of Mumtaz-I-
bungalow would be burgled, although it Javanadmi.