Page 6 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 6
T H E S L O U G H I R E V I E W 0 6
In Spring of 1991, when Kahla was 16, the Titles:
owners wrote the following in a letter: Deutscher Champion
Landessieger Bayern-Nord 1979
“Kahla always looks for eye contact with Deutscher Derby-Sieger 1978
us and stays unwillingly alone, crying loudly Landesrennsieger Baden-Kurpfalz 1978
in the apartment. She accompanies us Landesrennsieger Baden-Kurpfalz 1979
during car drives and she recognizes the
walks she loves in the closer and farther Sieger Schönheit und Rennleistung:
neighborhoods. Before each stop she gives Nümbrecht 1977, Nürnberg 1979, Offenbach
voice and shows that she knows where she 1979.
is. In our fenced yard she can move freely.
The noble old lady is still eager to move and One puppy of Kahla's litter, Urika Min al
very vital. The only little problems she had Bait Said became quite famous in racing,
were a few bad teeth that needed to be and through Urika's sister Urit Min al Bait
pulled out. We hope therefore that our Said, El-Kahla is still present in today’s
faithful dog will still provide us with joy for pedigrees.
Summary from a text by Jürgen Sulzbach,
in Sloughi International, 91/1, by Dr. M.-
Dominique Crapon de Caprona.
El-Kahla at the age of 16, Summer of 1991
© Jürgen Sulzbach