Page 7 - The Sloughi Review - Issue 4
P. 7

T  H  E     S  L  O  U  G  H  I     R  E  V  I  E  W                                                   0  7

                         Farhan with Mr. Gray and with Tounsia Kahloul de la Treille, 1986 © Rodarty

                       FARHAN OF MUMTAZ-I-JAVANADMI

         April 5, 1981, Netherlands – 1996, USA (older          While visiting family in Germany, Kate
         than 15 years).                                        also visited several Sloughi breeders. But
         By Barry Min Ahrar al Maghrib out of                   she did not succeed. She phoned me

         Bluedon’s Zaherit Eltofah.                             because she heard I was also a Sloughi
         Breeder: Jeanny Braakman-Machielsen,                   breeder. She wanted to see for herself if
         Netherlands, owners: Kate and Carl                     they were genuine ones.
         Rodarty, USA.
                                                                Kate was to arrive by train. She would
         “During 1996 I received messages that                  wear a red coat she told me on the

         several “of Mumtaz-I-Javanadmi” Sloughis               phone. I answered: "there are so many
         had died. Coming from the USA was the                  ladies wearing a red coat. I’ll come and
         message about Farhan. Its owner,                       pick you up with my Sloughis." So I did. I
         originating from Germany and visiting her              waited on the platform, together with
         family there every 2 years, was looking for            Eltofah and her son Akbar. Kate came all
         a “genuine” Sloughi. Kate and Carl Rodarty             the way from the back of the train,
         were oil people, they had lived and worked             causing big amazement and laughter

         for many years in Libya, Algeria and                   from fellow travellers, because she came
         Tunisia. From Libya, where they last lived,            really fast towards me, shouting: “Es sind
         they brought home a smooth Saluki and a                wirklich Sloughis! Really Sloughis!” That
         Sloughi. That Sloughi* died and they were              broke the ice right away of course! Kate
         determined to have a new Sloughi.                      told me lots of stories about her own
                                                                  Sloughi and Saluki.
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